I've been thinking about this non-stop during the weekend. I think my next move will be script coverage. The most affordable one for me right now is WeScreenplay. I'm sure many of you have heard about it, or not. In my eyes, nothing seems fishy about them. For the heck of it, I decided to submit the first page of my script for free there. 24 hours later, they give me a great feedback. Very constructive, emphasizing on a certain detail that I didn't think about it before hand. Don't be afraid to share your thoughts about this. I feel it's an important step for me to take, but I don't want to risk all of it for nothing either. Cheers!
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I highly recommend coverage. I would get formatting feedback as well as story analysis. I have someone on fivver for 150$ for full coverage. They give a recommend (or not) in the various industry categories (dialogue, premise, etc.) Honestly, I wish I did this my very first script as it would have saved me hours and hours of rewrite. Whoever you use, make sure they have had a LOT of industry experience in covering for production companies. This way you get a real sense for expectations and where you're at. Good luck!
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I haven't used WeScreenplay for coverage, Marcel Nault Jr., but I like the free first page thing.
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We have great industry coverage here as well. Our readers have at least 5 years of coverage experience: https://www.stage32.com/scriptservices/coverage
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Peers, filmmakers, get in touch with real, living people as much as you can...this is how you connect, move forward, get noticed, all for real and usually penniless...
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Thank you all for your recommendations. I think I will try out Stage 32's coverage. It seems like the safer option, even though it's a bit more expensive.
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What genre is your script Marcel?
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Mark, check out my logline for The Leviathan. You'll know everything there. Thanks!