Screenwriting : What are your thoughts on this quote, writers? by Anthony Murphy

Anthony Murphy

What are your thoughts on this quote, writers?

"Some days are writing days and some days are thinking days, but both days are writing days."

V.E. Schwab

Derrick Vernon

I think it means your daily life is inspiration so everyday is a potential script.

Maurice Vaughan

Anthony Murphy I think it means whether you're writing or thinking about writing, you're still in the process of writing because thinking days give you ideas to write.

Sharda Karim

Yeah that resonates with me because although you may not be physically typing or writing, your story is always unfolding in your mind when you are not writing. I’ve had a screenplay that started years ago and I plan to finish it by the end of next year. The story however, has just kept growing no matter what little has been written thus far.

Anthony Murphy

I feel guilty if I don't get my minimum written each day.

Nick Waters

I completely agree. Daydreaming can lead to some of your best work. Can't force it too much.

Ty Strange

I tell my wife some version of this on the days she finds me doing an activity that doesn't involve me sitting in front of the computer typing away. Thinking days are refueling days for me.

David Abrookin

Think about it as compared to the gym: if you work out your legs one day, you're supposed to rest them the next day so they heal and build up stronger. Similarly, if you work your writing muscles enough, it can be helpful to let them rest and get stronger with new ideas.

Anthony Murphy

@David Abrookin Good analogy, David.

Craig D Griffiths

Yeah. It works. It is one of those “state the obvious” type quotes. It didn’t prompt any change in my thinking.

Things like “if you think you are a success or you think you are a failure, you are right”. This can prompt some thought in people. People that think they are successful, tend to have continued success. People that believe they are failures disappear.

Carmen Ferreira

Since great thinkers are writers, then just be a writer to be great. :)

Kiril Maksimoski

Writing is a full time job only in ones head...unfortunately can't be commissioned that way...

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