Introduce Yourself : Just had a short at a film festival by Vital Butinar

Vital Butinar

Just had a short at a film festival

Hi guys.

It's been a while and I hope everyone is doing good.

Just had one of our short films called InteGr8 at a local film festival and it was great that I could attend because of it's vicinity close to us. Although I do wish that it was a different film since this one was made more or less as a joke and out of boredom at that moment.

Other than that I've been working with editing some commercial videos over the past few months, but after relocating I was able to write a 1st draft of a new crazy comedy that I had an idea for and not only that I was also able to write a 2nd draft.

I'm really happy that I was able to get so much down and what I wrote works for now, but I still need to do some more work.

On the other hand I've been working to secure financing for another comedy that I wrote a while ago. Before I try to secure the financing completely, I'm trying to get the distribution figured out, since I'd like to make the film commercially successful, which means I'd like input form the distributer which talent to have.

Anyway, what's everyone else been up to these past few weeks?

Happy weekend to everyone.

Geoff Hall

Greetings, Vital. It’s great to have you back and to see you thriving creatively. Have you tried posting something on the Distribution Lounge? There may be someone there who can help you.

Vital Butinar

Thank you Geoff Hall. That's actually a really good idea and I'll have to do that.

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Vital Butinar. Glad you got to attend the film festival. Congratulations on the progress with your Comedy script!

Vital Butinar

Thanks Maurice Vaughan. Yeah it was nice meeting some local filmmakers. There were a lot of people form a media school. I'm pretty excited about being able to write the new screenplay and the other one slowly moving along. Hope that we'll be able to get it off the ground and into production soon.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Vital Butinar. Glad you got to meet local filmmakers. That's a great way to network. What type of Comedy is your script? Satire, slapstick, etc.

Vital Butinar

Maurice Vaughan the comedy that I'm trying to get made is the called Problems Until The End and is just a regular old comedy kind of like the ones that existed at the end of the 90s or beginning of the 2000s. The kind where everything goes wrong and you can just enjoy the slow moving train wreck.

The new one is for now called Pure Vortex and it's about a bunch of guys who want to get a working visa and go work for one of their uncles in Vancouver Canada that has an AC business but can't because they don't get visas, but to get around that they create a fake band to get in on artist visas. They fail miserably and things go horribly wrong but there's still a happy ending.

I actually don't know how I'd define them because they're not exactly satires but also not slapstick.

But both are results of some kind of true story that sparked the idea for them and I really, really hope I get to make them both. :)

Geoff Hall

Tognanhou Serge Paul Protocol on the site means that we don’t use another person’s post to change the thread. Generally, this is not how you go about trying to raise the finance for your project. Please respond to this message. I’ll be deleting your post in a few hours. Thank you.

Maurice Vaughan

I like train wreck Comedy, Vital Butinar. Not sure if that's an official sub-genre or not. Did you see the movie "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day"?

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Tognanhou Serge Paul. To add onto what Geoff Hall said, you can post your promotion in the Your Stage Lounge ( and on Your Wall. Those are the two places Stage 32 wants members to put promotion.

Christiane Lange

Vital Butinar You have been busy, bravo! I really like the idea with the fake rock band.

Tognanhou Serge Paul

OK, all my apologies

Tognanhou Serge Paul

I like movies that relate to culture

Maurice Vaughan

It takes time for all of us to learn the platform, Tognanhou Serge Paul. Here's a great blog that'll help you navigate Stage 32:

Tognanhou Serge Paul

Maurice Vaughan thanks you

Vital Butinar

Maurice Vaughan well both of the comedies are kind of like if you've watched Tucker & Dale vs. Evil. It's kind of like that in the sense where something goes wrong and then everything just keeps going from bad to worse, but in the end it kind of resolves to something great.

If you know what I mean.

Vital Butinar

Thank you Christiane Lange. I've been trying to keep busy, although it's driving me crazy because I'd really like to start working on a feature.

Although I've been busy working on some commercial projects.

Maurice Vaughan

"Tucker & Dale vs. Evil" is my favorite Horror Comedy, Vital Butinar.

Vital Butinar

I love that movie too Maurice Vaughan! :)

Maurice Vaughan

One of the things that makes the movie great is the hook, Vital Butinar. The college students think Tucker and Dale are killers, but Tucker and Dale are just trying to help.

Vital Butinar

Exactly Maurice Vaughan. That's one of the things I love too, because it makes for a great dynamic and basically inserts conflict by default into the story.

I tried doing something similar with the comedy that I'm writing now.

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