I had two pitch sessions over the past few days.
After the first one I wasn't feeling really great about it. I went over my sales script and kept shaking my head wondering why I didn't mention a few of the plot twists and character moments I was so excited about. Why didn't I mention those important pieces?
The second one went much better, all those points I'd left out of the first pitch I made sure I covered them and added a few more to be safe. The response from the producer was great and I finished it feeling really positive.
I got the feedback for both tonight. Oddly enough the second producer passed despite giving me some nice remarks in the comments. The first producer that I was so worried about made a script request and now has the pilot episode.
For those of you starting out keep in mind that, when it comes right down to it, what response you'll end up getting from a producer is up for grabs. Don't spend to much time trying to read their reactions during the session. All you can do is give them your best on the sales pitch. Don't celebrate, don't beat yourself up, just try to find a medium ground to wait on and hope for the best.
Good luck.
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Congrats Bill and thanks so much for your advice!
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Congrats, Bill, on getting your pilot requested! And thx for sharing your pitching experiences. Sometimes you just don't know what'll land and what'll crash and burn.
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Congratulations getting that read and great advice.
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4 people like this
Congratulations! Thanks for sharing for the advice too:)
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Bill Albert well done, Bill and congratulations on the script request. It just goes to show that we can over think the whole pitch experience and sometimes we are our worst enemy. Keep us posted on your progress.
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Nice lesson here, Bill.
As a pitch coach in many industries over the decades, I’m a big believer in not overwhelming the prospect, but to…
- build curiosity, and
- leave them wanting more.
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... now she can't remember where and is going to decorate her house.
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A friend who's an singer in Europe said a mentor once told her "The gig is easy. It's the audition that's hard."
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Great feedback Bill. Goes to show you never know and the best thing to do is give it your best shot regardless.
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Congratulations Bill on your pilot request. And thank you for the advice I need it as I'm putting myself out there in terms of pitching to producers and executives here on Stage32.
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Big congrats, Bill. Getting the green light on a pitch is no easy feat. And always keep in mind, for future pitches, that a “pass” is nothing personal. It doesn’t mean the idea isn’t good or that the story isn’t there. A lot of times producers and execs have a very specific slot they are trying to fill and if they pass it could mean that your project just doesn’t fit that slot. Keep practicing, keep pitching. Its a numbers game. Eventually you’ll hit big!
4 people like this
This is very comforting. Thanks, and congrats!
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Right there with you, Bill. This week on one pitch I got mostly 5s and a "Pass". Then on the next pitch I got mostly 3s and a "Request'. Go figure. Again, it's all so subjective. The best one I've received recently was a producer who gave me a mix of 3s and 4s and added. "I'm not sure I'm the right person for this project but it sounds so fascinating, I've got to read it". And right now, she is. Again, go figure.
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Bill, thanks so much for the head's-up!
Congratulations on getting that script request...and here's wishing you more of the VERY BEST!
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Congratulations on the script request, Bill Albert! Yeah, you never know what response you'll get. There were times when I pitched scripts on here and Twitter (X) and thought nothing would come of it, but those scripts were the ones that got responses and requests.