I have a full pitch deck as well as a complete screenplay for a feature film and I am looking for either established producers who already has a foothold in the industry or a hungry producer who is mutually as invested as I am about getting into the industry as I am.
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Have you talent attachments, budget in the deck
Please respond to my email not here
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Best of luck!!! I'm rooting for you...(And learning from you!!!)
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A good place to look for potential partners is IMDb. If you look up the company credits on similar titles to the one you are pitching you may find some people worth talking to.
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Are you funded? How much are you paying for the position?
Hi, Nick Hail. Great to meet you. I’m a Stage 32 Lounge Moderator. I wanted to let you know I moved your post from the Producing Lounge to the Your Stage Lounge (www.stage32.com/lounge/promotion).
The Producing Lounge isn’t a place to find producers for projects. It’s a place to ask producers questions, for producers to discuss things about producing, share content, and offer tips/advice on raising funds, setting a budget, on set strategies, and all other topics related to producing a film, television, or theater project.
Email Stage 32’s Development Team success@stage32.com and let them know what your goal is. They’ll give you some suggestions who to pitch your script to. You can also search for producers in the Browse Section (www.stage32.com/browse).
Let me know if you have any questions. Hope you find a producer!