Composing : Composer in search of video by Randy Calligan

Randy Calligan

Composer in search of video

I plan to continue composing no matter what, but I really miss writing music to video. I did that a lot when I was in school and it was the most fun i've ever had in my life. I am not really a filmmaker, so I had hoped that by joining this website I could connect with film makers, somehow I had it in my head that student film makers might be interested in what I have to offer, but I am afraid Ive had no luck connecting with anyone. Anyone have suggestions?

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Randy Calligan. You could connect with filmmakers in the Browse Members Section (

Elena Maro

Hi Randy, nice to meet you and welcome! :)

I had a quick look at your website and your music is fantastic!

I would say keep doing what you are doing already here at Stage 32, connect with as many people as you can and , of course it will take time, but I am sure that you'll gradually find your circle of people to collaborate with. This is a warm and supportive community made by extraordinary people and I speak by experience, it will happen!

Another thing that comes to mind and that you could possibly try is to reach out to film schools and their students. I have heard of many long lasting Director Composer relationships that started that way.

Hope it helps and, please, keep us posted. Good luck!

Linwood Bell

Randy Calligan I agree with Elena. Your music sounds great. I'm sure that you will find what you're looking for and hopefully sooner rather than later. I know your frustration well. Check out that YouTube tutorial that Nicolas posted the other day in here showing how to use the IMDB PRO site to find work. Might be worth adding that to my routine, as well. Wishing you the best, always. You're a talented musician.

Randy Calligan

Thank you so much for your kind response.. Please forgive my ignorance, but I clicked the link ... and didn't find a way to post some general statement like the one above. Are you saying I should search all filmmakers and message them individually? Or is there a way to post to them as a specific subset of the group.... again I apologize for being a dufus...

Randy Calligan

I left out the most important part... I didn't find anything general like "filmmaker" It lists a gazillion specialties within film making. So I selected "producer," but again there doesn't appear to be any way to post anything directed toward that specific group of people. Sorry for dominating the conversation...

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Randy Calligan. You'll have to select "producer" (or "director," "actor," etc), search through the profiles, then send network requests to any producers you want to connect with. You can send a brief message with a network request.

Randy Calligan

Thank you for being so kind and helpful

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Randy Calligan.

Maurice Vaughan

This weekend is Introduce Yourself Weekend, @Randy Calligan. It’s Friday through Monday. IYW is a great opportunity to network. Here's the link:

Sam Sokolow

Agree with Maurice Vaughan - get active in Introduce Yourself Weekend - its an aweosme networking opportunity.

Randy Calligan

Thank you all for taking the time…I shall to do this over the weekend.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Randy Calligan.

Elena Maro

See you in the Introduce Yourself Lounge, Randy Calligan . Happy networking!

Joel Irwin

In my 'day job', I am a wedding videographer. Most of the videos (not mine) are 'cinematic' meaning they are essentially short films that most of the time do not use the actual audio but rather overlaid music. They often license from web sites which have music with relatively low licensing fees. This is another opportunity for you to either get some of your stuff into those sites or perhaps even negotiate directly with those videographers. Check out the "WEVA" FB group.

While I am a 'documentary' videographer and use actual audio, I have two examples of music I wrote associated with my wedding videos. The first is a "First Look" track I recorded in Jan 2018 of a couple who I shot for free who lost their house in Hurricane Harvey in Victoria, Texas where it came ashore. The second is a one minute, "preview"/teaser (again my music and video) I created for marketing purposes some weeks back. (first look) (1 minute preview)

Duane Carlton Merritt

From my experience working on feature films, a lot of it is really about networking and even cold emailing at times, especially if you have a website with a portfolio on it.

Pat Alexander

for fun to practice my editing, i used to go download a bunch of random footage from pexels and just cut it together lots of which ways with different music just to see how it feels

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