Introduce Yourself : Hello from England by Beatrice Wong

Beatrice Wong

Hello from England

Hello, my lovely Stage32 family,

For those new, my name's Beatrice (Bea),

I'm a budding actress, singer, scriptwriter and songwriter.

Hope everyone had a great valentines 

Happy Chinese New Year! 

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Beatrice Wong. Happy IYW! How are you?

Sam Sokolow

It's great to see you here on IYW, Beatrice Wong! What are you working on these days that you're most excited about?

Emily J

Hi Beatrice Wong! Thanks for sharing! Love that you're a multi-hyphenate. How do approach balancing all those talents?

Beatrice Wong

Hi, guys,

Maurice Vaughan I'm doing great. How about you?

Beatrice Wong

@Sam Sokolow I'm currently brainstorming ideas for a Christmas christian script

@Emily J to be honest, I don't know! Inspiration comes from anywhere; I would be babysitting my niece and be struck with song lyrics.

Maurice Vaughan

I'm doing great too, Beatrice Wong. Staying busy with projects.

Devin Mc Neil

Hello Bea Devin is the name a creative writing noob and student. Continue to reach for the stars and if you have extra time meet me in the study hall at

Beatrice Wong

Maurice Vaughan what's the latest you're working on?

Beatrice Wong

Hello, Devin,

Nice to meet you!

Geoff Hall

Beatrice Wong Hi Bea, how are you doing? And Happy Chinese New Year to you. Is it the year of the dragon? What is that supposed to bring to your fellow creatives? Be well. G

Maurice Vaughan

I'm working on a feature script, Beatrice Wong. And a pitch deck job for a producer.

Beatrice Wong

Geoff Hall it is the year of the dragon. Unfortunately, I'm not too well read of the auspiciousness of the Chinese zodiac animals and what they mean for the year ahead. Maybe you can find out by googling it. Sorry I couldn't be of help.

Beatrice Wong

@Maurice Vaughan sounds busy! What's the script about? Can't wait to read it!

Richard "RB" Botto

Fantastic to see you here as always, Beatrice Wong.

Maurice Vaughan

The script is like "The Purge" with vampires, Beatrice Wong.

Beatrice Wong

Richard "RB" Botto always a pleasure to be here

Maurice Vaughan sounds interesting.

Kevin Enners

Nice to meet you, Beatrice Wong. Sounds like an awesome script! Hollywood can certainly use some fresh blood.

Geoff Hall

Beatrice Wong thanks Bea, I did try that, but Google failed miserably. Ah well…whereabouts in the UK are you?

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Beatrice Wong. It started as a short script.

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