Producing : Series, Short Film or Feature by Fran Harris

Fran Harris

Series, Short Film or Feature

Earlier this week I was visiting with a filmmaker who integrated one of my brands into his film and I asked him what his distributors are looking for. His answer was: SERIES. "They want films, yes, but they're also asking for more series to get visitors to stay on their platforms longer -- even limited series with 2, 3 or more episodes. Doesn't have to be 8 eps."

Who's producing a series and what are you hearing?

Tugume Benon (Benie)

Well, I’ve written a very authentic riveting pulse pounding Drama series called, THE INCISIVE: A Coincidence. S1, 10 Episodes ready to go. Not sure if this is directly related to the subject matter above...

Rutger Oosterhoff

Agreed Ms. Harris, but make it an ORIGINAL tv series not like a poor rip-off of the great British tv series"The Office." Ricky Gervais can't stand it anynore! I mean "Fifth time!"

Maurice Vaughan

I've heard the same thing a few times, Fran Harris. Producers, distributors, and companies are looking for series. It has me thinking about writing and pitching a series. I've been wanting to anyway.

Pat Alexander

Especially with the streamers adopting these ad tiers, they can finally realize some of the value off streaming hours for once via ad revenue. But we all know it's just going to make the audience viewing experience worse and pretty much exactly like cable TV once again within a couple years. We radically innovated for the better only to end up right back where we started. And do the creatives of these series get any of this precious ad rev? Likely not, right?

Fran Harris

that’s a HOT take Pat Alexander !!!!

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