Odd question, but have you ever read a script that scared you a little bit or, at the very least, freaked you out a little? And if so, what made you a little freaked out about it?
Odd question, but have you ever read a script that scared you a little bit or, at the very least, freaked you out a little? And if so, what made you a little freaked out about it?
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Sadly, no.
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I've written several that freaked me out, but never in a good way.
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Vice was one of the most terrifying scripts because of howm uch of it happened!
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Every script I've written that I've found my Character's voice and the wonderful moments when I can write through thier VOICE freaks me out!
It is the best creativity and sometimes the most difficult to story edit because it grabs structure by the balls and drags the bull to it's knees. Then the structure can be replaced with the motivations of an authentic CHARACTER.
Most writers never get to experience this, allow it to happen, nor admit to it...
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No. Books neither. It’s hard to be “scared” purely with writing. Horror movies rely on a lot of psychology using jump scares, ambient music, sound effects and other techniques to open up the central nervous system to fear. It’s difficult, but not impossible, to accomplish that with writing alone.