Hi everyone - saying hello, again. I have completed my 28th screenplay, and have started on my 29th (which is actually a total rewrite from the Basement to the Penthouse on the 28th script -- I'm only keeping the title and the germ of an idea).
I've had about 10 options over the past few years and have sold two scripts - both were produced. My second film was just released - THE LEGEND OF LAKE HOLLOW - from Vision Films and Penumbra Entertainment (receiving a 10/10 review on Film Threat, which was incredible, to say the least). My first script (what was left of it) was released by Lionsgate.
At the moment I am trying to nail that third sale and also find a new manager, as my current manager, who has been wonderful, is retiring. I write pretty much every day, though sometimes I take a day or two off to kick ideas around in my head and see where they land. I love what I do, and have met some great people here on State 32. Looking to add to my network, and be part of yours!
Congratulations on "The Legend of Lake Hollow" getting a perfect review, Jerry Robbins! I still plan on checking out the movie.
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Thanks, Maurice! I appreciate it!
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Sounds like you've got it all figured out! Congrats on your success! I've written fifty screenplays and only had a couple options and none made! So you're way ahead of the pack it would seem!
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You're welcome, Jerry Robbins. I'll let you know what I think.
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Stan Evans I never won an Emmy! Congratulations on that, Stan!! Talk about impressive!!
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Congratulations on all of your accomplishments, Jerry Robbins. And especially, all the best in finding a new manager that has your best interests at heart and someone you can collaborate with for years to come. It's almost like finding a spouse!
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Jerry Robbins, thanks! It's a daytime Emmy but it was fun to get up on stage in front of all those soap stars lol!
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You're on a nice streak Jerry Robbins! You're in the right place to keep that momentum going!
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Nick Phillips Thank you!
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Stan Evans a daytime is just as great as a nighttime Emmy IMHO!