In a moment of thoughtlessness, I started writing my scripts with a hyphen instead of a period after INT/EXT? Is that detail really that important in the eyes of industry reps?
Well, that makes me feel better. :-D It's interesting because my early scripts have a period, but then I stopped writing for a couple of years (for want of ideas) and when I came back to it, I started using the hyphen instead. Nevertheless, I'll change the hyphen to a period on any scripts that I'm submitting for pitches, contests, etc. Thanks, Maurice! :-)
Apparently yes...when ure newbie, try to blend in, you see others practice, do it too...nobody gonna reject J. Cameron's script because it has a smiley on the last page...
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I don't think it's a dealbreaker, John Richard Sullivan. I've seen writers do it in scripts.
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Well, that makes me feel better. :-D It's interesting because my early scripts have a period, but then I stopped writing for a couple of years (for want of ideas) and when I came back to it, I started using the hyphen instead. Nevertheless, I'll change the hyphen to a period on any scripts that I'm submitting for pitches, contests, etc. Thanks, Maurice! :-)
You're welcome, John Richard Sullivan.
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Great point, M LaVoie.
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When it comes to formatting, embrace standardization. It is your friend.
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Apparently yes...when ure newbie, try to blend in, you see others practice, do it too...nobody gonna reject J. Cameron's script because it has a smiley on the last page...