Screenwriting : Next step by Joseph Karnof

Next step

Hello! I finished a short film script that I'm hoping to get shot in June but if I can't what would you guys recommend for the next step? Should I submit it on here or is there a short film contest I should send my script to? Thank you all for the advice!!

Preston Poulter

Why not submit your short for free notes on my YouTube channel? We go over new 10-page selections every week.

Joseph Karnof

Thank you so much! My script is 20 pages would that be ok?

Bill Albert

If you want to look at festivals is a good place to start.

Jason Mirch

Hey Joseph Karnof - congrats on finishing the script. You might also take a look at submitting your script for Short Script Feedback. You can do that by clicking here:

That way you'll get notes from a trusted Stage 32 reader who can give you feedback before you shoot.

Pat Alexander

The final deadline for the PSWIFT Short Script competition here at Stage 32 is next Friday 5/24. You can check it out here: (

The winner gets there short film made with a budget of $10,000!

Lindbergh E Hollingsworth

Get busy with pre-production and go shoot it. June is right around the corner. That’s all that matters! Best education there is!

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on finishing your short script, Joseph Karnof! Great advice in the comments. If you end up not filming your script and you wanna get eyes on it, post your logline, synopsis, and script in the Logline section of your Stage 32 profile. Producers, directors, etc. search profiles for projects.

Dan MaxXx

The endgame to making a short film is you are auditioning for employers.

My college classmate directed a short, which lead to a feature directing gig, which lead to DGA membership and he's been steadily employed as a director for 20+ years.

Kenisha Davis

I hope you reach your goal I feel ya. I am also coming to understand that not only do you need contacts but you need to spend money. Submissions cost, readings cost, feedback costs, and I'm not mad at it but sometimes when people make suggestions that costs money to do I would like to see dollar amounts with the suggestions. Got me thinking its free. Getting me all hopeful. lol lol lol. Good luck Karnof!!

Stephen Folker

Congrats on finishing a screenplay! Best advice, get it made! For what so many people spend on pitch decks, coverage and other services, you could have paid for a portion of your project! Best wishes to you!

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