I’m Diana Lindarte, a passionate Colombian filmmaker with a rich background in film, theater, and social media marketing.
I'm excited to connect with fellow filmmakers and creatives for new projects and collaborations. Let's bring our visions to life and make an impact in the film industry together!
Looking forward to meeting you all and exploring new opportunities.
Warm regards,
Welcome to Stage 32, Diana Marcela Álvarez Lindarte. Great to have you as part of the community. Here's a blog that'll help you get around: www.stage32.com/blog/navigating-stage-32-for-your-best-experience-3095
And here are some blogs on networking/connecting with other filmmakers and creatives: www.stage32.com/blog/tags/networking-41
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Bienvenidos a Stage 32! I am new here too, but passion, vision, and collaboration, three of my favorite words in Film! Looking forward to connecting with you.
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Awesome meeting you, Diana! Here’s the link to my free filmmaking guide, free creativity podcast, 50-page free Adobe Creative Cloud eBook, and free filmmaking tutorial videos on video editing, photoshop and more. I hope you find them useful! http://eepurl.com/iuGSUY