Filmmaking / Directing : Webinar coming soon! How To Use 11 Different Camera Angles To Evoke Mood and Emotion! by Sydney S

Sydney S

Webinar coming soon! How To Use 11 Different Camera Angles To Evoke Mood and Emotion!

Stage 32 is excited to welcome Emmy-winning producer Shane Stanley for his upcoming webinar.

You have already seen your unproduced film or video project. It’s played out over 100 times in your head but you’ve yet to capture it for the world to see. Get a crash course – or perhaps for our more advanced filmmakers, a refresher on the cinematic basics you need to know and what the purpose of these essential eleven angles offer to you, the storyteller. Learn how to build a foundation giving you the time and confidence to color outside of the lines and put your personal signature on your project – one that you will be very proud of now and when you look back on it in the distant future.

We get so caught up in the visual aspect of preparing for a shoot we sometimes over focus on the wrong elements or worse, overlook the basics of the craft. By doing so, it hinders us from delivering the magic we’ve envisioned early on and makes for a very frustrating shoot. Unfortunately, it isn’t until it’s too late that we realize we never got what we set out to accomplish or worse; what we captured doesn’t string together. This webinar will give you the tools necessary to make sure you cover all the basics while allowing you the freedom and flexibility to create a visually stunning project all while making sure your shots have purpose and necessary foundation, so they can all come together smoothly in the edit bay.

Email with any questions!!

Sign up link:

Shane Stanley

So looking forward to this one. Let's do this! See ya'll minyan!

Sydney S

Can't wait Shane!!!

Sydney S

Looking forward to the live webinar beginning in 30 minutes at 1:00pm PT!

Gwendolyn Cassady

Thank you Shane! You were wonderful. Appreciate your sharing your knowledge and experience. Cheers!

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