Filmmaking / Directing : Interesting Conceit for a Film... by Nick Phillips

Nick Phillips

Interesting Conceit for a Film...

Linwood Bell

I'm cryin' already. :)

Maurice Vaughan

Looks interesting, Nick Phillips! I read this in an article that Sam Sokolow posted in the Post-Production Lounge: "The camera never moves from a fixed position inside a home for the entire 104-minute runtime, as the viewers are treated to the stories of the people who made a home there."

Asmaa Jamil

This is good. Thank you for sharing. I plan to see this.

William Joseph Hill

Wow -- I also realized that the camera is locked down for the whole thing as if it's set for a million+ year time lapse. Like a peek at the 4th dimension. And with Tom Hanks & Robin Wright, I can't help but think of Jenny & Forrest Gump getting to actually live out their lives together...

Pamela Jaye Smith

So, rather like theatre, yes?

Nick Phillips

Love all of this feedback! Yes definitely feels like theater, right Pamela Jaye Smith ? I think this is such a fascinating idea and it feels both intimate and grand at the same time. I'm curious to see if it the idea can sustain a feature length film!

Mike Boas

The most excited I’ve been for a Zemeckis film in a long time! Great trailer.

Sergio Armendariz

I'll pass. It feels like it is trying to be Forest Gump for a minute, then loses me.

John Kennedy

I'm in! Zemeckis is a visual and story guy and the trailer nearly is too much but I'm in still!

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