WHEW! Y'all this is gonna be awesome...
As I mentioned on IG, I could GUSH about all the projects going on right now, but because I know my strength is starting projects and I struggle to get things over that finish line, I'd like to utilize the support and encouragement of this fantastic community to help me FINISH as much as possible.
My COMPLETION Goals are:
- POST/Producing: Complete fulfillment for our Kickstarter Campaign
- DISTRO/Producing: Prepare for our short film's PREMIERE (TBD) with promo materials and meetings and media/social media coverage
- DEV/Producing: Complete next round of funding for our BIG feature
- DEV/Producing: Complete the option for the book I'm directing/producing as a feature (the first of a trilogy!)
- DEV/Writing/Directing: Complete writing the mockumentary micro budget feature for me to direct (later this year)
Also, just putting myself out there on a regular basis to help show the world what I've been doing so I can keep doing it! My team and I have impressed some pretty awesome people internally, but now we need to increase our public numbers. SO, with that in mind - I'd love for y'all to follow me here on Stage 32, but also:
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@k.osswrites?_t=8nfTOLA8DJH&_r=1
IG: https://www.instagram.com/k.osswrites?igsh=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA%3D%3D&utm_sour...
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmbracetheKayoss?mibextid=kFxxJD
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karen-kay-ross?utm_source=share&utm_campaign...
2 people like this
Hi, Karen "Kay" Ross! I'm rooting for you to get your projects over the finish line! You got this! Also, I've been meaning to tell you: I watched Sanctuary. It's incredible! You and your team did a fantastic job!
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Kay working on the short film called code breaker
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What a great way to kickoff July Filmmakers Club, Karen "Kay" Ross!
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Love it, Karen "Kay" Ross
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You are GRINDING Karen "Kay" Ross and YOU GOT THIS!!
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I'll be here, cheering you on Karen
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You are a rockstar Karen "Kay" Ross and I know you will accomplish your goals. Break them into small pieces, and when July ends, you have all of them done! You got this!
3 people like this
Aww, you all are so great - thank you so much for your words of encouragement!
Not much to update since I’ve mostly been on vacation, BUT we back to work tomorrow (Tuesday) in full force!
Hey - have y’all seen the Week 2 Filmmaking Club?
Check it out! July Filmmakers Club Week 2: What Are The Roles You See Yourself In?
https://www.stage32.com/blog/37875 people like this
Congrats, Karen "Kay" Ross ! That's quite a roster of goals. For me, prioritizing and setting milestones for each gives me a sense of accomplishment. I find that I have lots of small victories and then I discover that I achieved a major goal. Achieving my Indiegogo goal was a big win, and it took a lot of work between myself and my wife who was my co-producer on the film too. We reached out to everybody in our network. I stayed focused with it during the whole campaign run and for most of the time we didn't know if we'd make it. So sticking to your guns and being persistent will be a big help. As Yogi Berra said, "It ain't over till it's over"!
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You're welcome, Karen "Kay" Ross. Hope you had a great vacation!
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You may not feel totally organized, Kay, but you seem very organized to me. I predict success!
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Ooo, Y'ALL! I'm so glad I made these COMPLETION GOALS! Here's a quick check-in on how I'm doing:
1) As per usual, I'm kicking butt with the opening of stuff - working with two new clients this summer, and we're already doing great things! It feels good to be doing development (producer) and writing again, BUT... I have things I have to get off plate to make room, like...
2) POST/Producing: Complete fulfillment for our Kickstarter Campaign - Just now jumping back into this, BUT the good news is once these digital assets are complete, I can also sell them outright GASP! Look at me thinking like an entrepreneur and not just a creative! LOL #ItsAboutDamnTime
3) DISTRO/Producing: Prepare for our short film's PREMIERE (TBD) with promo materials and meetings and media/social media coverage - Put in some time for this as we were hoping to premiere with HollyShorts, and while we still haven't had an official selection yet, we DID utilize FilmFreeway's advertising for all of $10, and received well over 200 discount codes to submit our film to festivals around the world! O.O Y'all, this is not a drill! Every victory lets you discuss your project, so I'm taking this win!
4) DEV/Producing: Complete next round of funding for our BIG feature - this is moving at a steady pace. We just got updated pages from our script doctor, we've booked meetings with out brokers to explore next options, and we have more big name professionals who are looking to attach themselves. Next up? Send out the revised draft, and hoping to have that by end of month. WOO!
5) DEV/Producing: Complete the option for the book I'm directing/producing as a feature (the first of a trilogy!) - Sent deal points off to the lawyer and confirmed that the author has an attorney they can work with - 'cause if you skip that step, no producer or production company is going to want to touch it because the project may fall apart due to legal poke-holes.
6) DEV/Writing/Directing: Complete writing the mockumentary micro-budget feature for me to direct (later this year) - I've broken story on this and completed a first draft, but as always, this sucker needs a once-over because while it is well-written, she is SLOW for a comedy LOL
3 people like this
"I'm kicking butt." Don't hurt anyone, Karen "Kay" Ross. Haha Seriously, congratulations on the progress with your goals!
2 people like this
Wow Karen "Kay" Ross you are doing so well! Really proud of you! And I love to be one of your clients, we are doing so well :)) Keep rocking :))) Let’s goooo xx