Introduce Yourself : New to Stage32 by Cam Cade

Cam Cade

New to Stage32

Hi everyone. My name is Cam. I am super excited to join this platform and network with everyone. I can't wait to chat with and learn from you all. Hopefully a few of my jokes will land in the process (lol). If anyone has any suggestions on who I should be adding to my network please feel free to reach out. I'm here to learn and be of service. Thanks for reading my spiel. Ttys

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Cam Cade. I suggest adding people from all areas of the industry (producers, directors, screenwriters, actors, editors, etc.). You can search for them in the Browse Members section (

And here are some blogs about networking:

Cam Cade

Thank you so much for the advice and for adding me. Looking forward to speaking with you again.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Cam Cade. You mentioned on your other post that you plan on taking classes to educate myself on the business and procedure aspect of screenwriting. I'm sure Pat Alexander will give you great recommendations. Here are some other screenwriting resources I suggest checking out:

Screenwriting Blogs:

Screenwriting Education:

Script Services:

Cam Cade

Thank you Maurice Vaughan! I will check them out.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Cam Cade.

Ashley Renee Smith

Welcome, Cam Cade! We're currently celebrating Stage 32's July Filmmakers Club, a month long series of FREE events, resources, and free prize giveaways to help our members learn more about indie filmmaking and to make new networking connections. You can join in NOW by reading today's blog- Successful Networking for a Film Career by Producer, Jason Mirch! Then make sure that you participate in this week's challenges that are outlined in the blog so that you are eligible for Friday's free prize!

Cam Cade

Thank you for the information Ashley Renee Smith I will check it out.

Sydney Summers

Hi Cam! Welcome to the community :) I just sent you a network request. It's great to have you here and see your enthusiasm for networking and learning. What kind of projects or interests are you currently working on that you're excited about?

Cam Cade

Thank you so much Ashley Renee Smith for the warm welcome and information. I'm super excited about the Filmmakers Club and all the goodies Stage32 is offering!

Cam Cade

Hi Sydney Summers. Thank you for the warm welcome and network request! (I added you =) I'm currently working on a few scripts while taking an intense acting class lol. The writing part has definitely been fun as I'm getting my ideals out of my head and down on paper. I'm into comedy, drama, horror, action, and suspense thrillers. Taking classes in the Writer's Room has my attention at the moment as this will be the first time I'm writing a script =)

Sydney Summers

Hi, Cam Cade ! Thanks for connecting! :) It sounds like you have a lot on your plate, but it's great to hear you're enjoying the process! The Writer's Room is an amazing resource—I'm sure you'll find it incredibly helpful for your first script. Excited to see where your creativity takes you in comedy, drama, horror, action, and suspense thrillers. Keep up the great work!

If you ever need help choosing a class, feel free to email me at

Kerry Kennard

Hi Cam, Nice to meet you - welcome to St. 32. See you're a songwriter; the film music area is probably best area for music, though the Post Production may help to ask questions for your final mixes / mastering. What's your main talent ? Hope all is well in your world. K. Kennard

Ashley Renee Smith

I'm so glad, Cam Cade! Let me know if there's anything that you need! =)

Andre Reid

Hi Cam, welcome and enjoy your stay

Cam Cade

Thanks Sydney Summers will do =)

Cam Cade

Thank you Ashley Renee Smith I definitely will =)

Cam Cade

Thank you for the advice Kerry Kennard I will be sure to join that lounge.

Cam Cade

Thank you @AndreReid for the warm welcome

Lauren Benjamin

Welcome! For me, I really enjoy watching the webinars. I am fairly new here myself.

Kerry Kennard

You subscribe - can always visit anytime -

Stefano Pavone

Welcome to the club. :)

Ashley Renee Smith

Cam Cade- This week's blog is now LIVE with the week 4 July Filmmakers Club challenges! Anyone participating this week will be eligible for one of the 3 DaVinci Resolve Editing Licenses I'll be giving away on Friday. Don't miss out! The blog can be found here:

Cam Cade

Thank you Ashley Renee Smith... can't wait to check out this weeks Challenges =)

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