Before last weekend started, I went through one of my scripts to make improvements. It’s a film noir story in a near-future San Francisco with themes such as artificial intelligence, magic, sailing, deception, and corruptness. I have four characters whose speech I want to reveal their origins. Thus, I read articles on linguistic particularities in Indian English, African-American English spoken in Atlanta, and Chicano English, which I applied to the dialogue.
I got absorbed in the activity and my family didn’t see me for two days.
It was a challenging task for a person whose mother tongue is not English, and enjoyable. When concluded I felt content with the result. I could hear and see my characters speak on the screen.
Then something made me reflect on the process to get my work out. It was a hard landing from a creative flow to a harsh reality where everything seems to involve money. What cushioned the impact was my surfing on Stage32. I’m pleased to have found this community.