Screenwriting : First draft complete by Thom Reese

Thom Reese

First draft complete

I just completed work on the first draft of a screenplay based on my novel The Dracula Journals: Dark Decades. It's an interesting process deciding what to keep, change, or discard, when adapting a novel. In case anyone's interested, here's the Amazon link to the novel.

The Dracula Journals: Dark Decades
The Dracula Journals: Dark Decades
THE DRACULA JOURNALSDARK DECADESDracula kept a journal. A firsthand account of his life, death, and resurrection as a creature of the night. But this journal is more than just words. It carries the ve…
Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on finishing the first draft, Thom Reese! It's been a long time since I've adapted a novel into a script, but I remember having to decide what to keep, change, and leave out. One time, an author's agent wanted me to leave out a huge battle scene that would've cost so much to make.

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