Filmmaking / Directing : Fold Your Fears by Daniel Husbands

Daniel Husbands

Fold Your Fears

As creatives one of the things that I've read mentioned many times is the fear of rejection, the fear of putting yourself out there and getting negative feedback. The internet trolls are not kind, but if this is you (it was once me as well) there is hope. I'd love to hear how our stage32 community has over come that fear, if you've experienced it please share how you managed to fold and put away your fears of showcasing your work, or project.

For me, it was realizing that sometimes the harshest of critics have a point and it's not always a personal attack. It might not be said gracefully, but sometimes (not always) even the trolls are right. Once I started looking at things from that perspective it made the idea less daunting.

So what advice do you have for filmmakers that might be fearful of putting their work out there?

Maurice Vaughan

I stopped caring what people will think of my scripts, Daniel Husbands. If a troll comments something negative or attacks me, I ignore it instead of getting into an argument. And you're right. Sometimes the harshest of critics have a point and it's not always a personal attack, and even the trolls are right. If I can find something useful in their comments, I'll use it.

Ashley Renee Smith

Honestly, it would probably surprise most people here to know that it even makes me nervous sometimes to put myself out there. To post about something meaningful to me or to put videos of myself out on the Stage 32 social media accounts that will be seen by thousands of people. I feel awkward and insecure just like everyone else. But I overcome that anxiety by thinking about the people who NEED the information that I'm sharing or asking about. I remind myself that if I'm curious, then there are likely SO many others who want to learn about that same thing and are even more unlikely to ask. I also remind myself that in my time in this industry, I've never actually met anyone who wasn't nervous and insecure at times. Imposter syndrome runs strong through all creatives and we're all in this together.

It also helps that I've truly never found as loving and supportive of an online community as the one we have here at Stage 32. My friends here make me feel brave because I know that they're cheering me on and lifting me up, even when I don't feel at my best.

Xochi Blymyer

It's never easy but just like you said, taking a look at what the critics say may be just something to consider. But I did learn when I asked a producer "Why are the notes on my script so different? One person says it's terrible and the other loves it!" This producer said that sometimes those who do the reading are writers themselves, may not be their style or genre and so take note on all sides. I had asked her because she read the same script and thought it was very producible with some minor tweaks. The way she viewed it was how to actually make it into a movie. Anyway, that's just one example and I would take it all personally. Nowadays, I take it in and then move on. Not easy.

Kerry Kennard

I've had a lot of learning experiences this week in the music - from people listening to my music and relating to other musicians. At my age, I really appreciate their views, since somewhat new to composing. If I don't learn now, it's going to be harder later. It's pushing through and seeing how to apply those ideas.

Never easy, though learning what you need to learn in the composing / film industry is good for Professional and personal growth.

Jalil Haakon

Não tenha medo de mostrar seu trabalho... A maioria das pessoas que criticam não sabe o que é realmente trabalhar para dar vida ao seu projeto... Não tenha medo de críticas de ninguém, apenas use-as para melhorar seus próximos projetos. Se precisar reescrever, reescreva, mas nunca tenha medo de críticas.

Daniel Husbands

Thank you guys for sharing, I know that people out there need to be encouraged. Making a living from what you love creating can be a challenge all by itself, but the first step is to get whatever it is your creating out into the world. Thanks for all the tips!

Kerry Kennard

There’s a lot of steps to do getting it out there.:

Actual idea down.and recorded

- even without other musicians

Mix / master


Then send out ! - whatever your distribution is !

Don’t forget copyrighting the music-

All metadata at PROs, etc.

- sometimes it is first

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Daniel Husbands. Great idea for a post!

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