Anything Goes : A terrible loss by Lynn Santer

Lynn Santer

A terrible loss

His nickname for me was "The Kangaroo Kid".

Today I am heartbroken. One of my dearest, longest-term friends in Hollywood has left us. I first met Sandy Bresler as a fledgling novice in Hollywood. I'd written a screenplay I thought was brilliant, and decided Jack Nicholson was perfect to star in it. Some the heck how, I managed to secure get an appointment to see Sandy (Jack's agent for, well for my entire life). Don't ask me how I pulled that little miracle off. I was very nervous! I mean, I was VERY nervous. The year was 1994. Waiting to see him, sitting in the reception area, there was nothing to read. No newspapers or magazines, as one might normally find. Looking around, I noticed what appeared to be a weather-beaten old Bible, sitting in the reception area. I walked over and picked it up. It was entitled, "Everything I know about show biz, by Sandy Bresler". I thought that might be worth reading, so I opened it. The whole book was written in Japanese. I hadn't even met the man at that stage but thought, "You bugger! I like you!!!"

I was duly summoned into his office, where he politely told me to put the screenplay in a draw. I was crushed, and also mystified as to why he'd agreed to see me if he felt that way about the script. I never did receive an answer to that question.

His office was very unassuming, especially for such a high-profile Hollywood agent. There were no photos of Jack Nicholson, but there were lots of photos of his dogs. Our conversation switched from movies to animals, and that was when we discovered we were kindred spirits.

The next time I was in Hollywood, leaving from Melbourne Australia, I noticed a souvenir shop in the airport was selling suitcase-sized didgeridoos, and instruction books in all languages. I couldn't resist it. I bought one for Sandy, together with an instruction book... written in Japanese. I didn't think I'd ever see or hear from Sandy again after that first meeting, but the moment I landed in Hollywood I had the gift couriered over to his office. He called me straight away, told me I was a cheeky bitch, and that we needed to meet for coffee. We were the closest of friends since that day.

Since 1994, not a week has gone by when we have not communicated with each other about our lives, world events, our families, show biz, silly jokes, dirty jokes, cute animal stories... everything. Then in 2001...

I went through a very bad time. The circumstances are not important. What is important is that Sandy sent me an email EVERY day. "Keep your chin up. Don't let the bastards get you down. I believe in you. You've got this." It cost him nothing and it took no time, but it meant everything to me. I told him often how his messages kept me going through that awful time. Then in 2004...

I was launching "Land of the Free", a fictionalized novel based on the true story of when my close friend, Hollywood legend Tippi Hedren, teamed with me, an embattled conservationist in Zimbabwe called Meryl Harrison, and a jaded ex Special Forces commando called Reg Dickason, to plan an uncover mission in Africa to expose ongoing, legal, brutal atrocities against endangered big game by some of the wealthiest people on earth. This was a subject that Sandy felt as passionate about as I did. The launch event with Tippi and I was held at Barnes and Noble, The Grove, in Hollywood. Sandy knew the whole history and turned up for the launch event, even though he was dying with a terrible flu at the time. Fast forward to 2010...

Pre social media being the thing it is today, Tippi had dubbed me "The Email Queen". I routinely sent funny emails to my circle about goings on in my life. People had been urging me for years to publish a book of them all, but I'd never thought to keep them. So, I wrote to the various people who had been recipients, asking if they kept copies of any of them. Some had kept some copies, but Sandy... Sandy had kept them ALL from 1994 to 2010!! Even the one liners!!! And he sent them all to me... at once!! It crashed my computer!!!! Incredibly, he then went to the extraordinary effort of sending them to me in batches, over weeks, and subsequently "Emails from the Edge" was published on Amazon, and is still available to this day, with Sandy duly credited in the foreword. In fact, two more editions were subsequently published by popular demand. Fast forward to 2022...

I was producing the second of my internationally acclaimed, multi award winning documentaries that expose the seedy underbelly of the trophy hunting industry and needed some finishing funds. Among others, Sandy put his hand in his own pocket to make sure this important project made it across the finish line.

June 29, just over a month ago, Sandy emailed me to break the news that he was very sick. His condition had not been diagnosed, he was permanently exhausted, and he’d lost 15 pounds in weight. He was still having tests, and had every intention of recovering. We emailed a couple of times since then but I had a gnawing feeling, and now my worst fears have been realized.

He loved "Swan Song" and was excited to read "The Dragon Who Found His Wings". He actually had an advance copy of the new book, but now he will never read it.

Hollywood is a colder, emptier place today without Sandy. I have a large and painful gap in my life left by his loss. Godspeed my special friend. I will never forget you. Forever in my heart, I will miss you terribly.

Maurice Vaughan

My condolences to you and Sandy Bresler's family, Lynn Santer.

Lynn Santer

Maurice Vaughan thank you x

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Lynn Santer.

Geoff Hall

Lynn Santer I’m so sorry for your’s and the family’s loss, Lynn.

Dianne Politud

Sending condolences to you. He's such a wonderful friend and family to you.

Just keep his memories alive in your heart and it will seem like he is still there. ❤

Lynn Santer

Geoff Hall thank you.

Lynn Santer

Dianne Politud thank you for your kind words xx

Richard Oshen

May his memory be a blessing

Eon C. Rambally

Condolences to him and his family on hearing this Lynn Santer. Sandy Bresler' certainly has an impactful history, he will be missed!

Lynn Santer

Eon C. Rambally indeed. Just today something happened and I excitedly thought, “I must tell Sandy” before I remembered.. So sad. He leaves an enormous hole :(

Lynn Santer
Eon C. Rambally

Lynn Santer, I can identify and always reflect on such sensitive timings of one’s demise and the laws of this universe, as it can be so sudden and emotionally painful. Let his memory however be an inspiration!

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