Introduce Yourself : Won a screenplay contest with “The Wish List!” by Lisa Harrison

Lisa Harrison

Won a screenplay contest with “The Wish List!”

Well, Hi! Our romantic comedy screenplay, The Wish List, (which I have been working on since 2008!) just won the Alabama Screenplay Category of Screenwrite—the screenplay contest of Birmingham’s Sidewalk Film Festival! We won a small cash prize plus a scene table read by local actors. We also were quarterfinalists in the Screen 32 Rom Com Screenplay contest. I have launched my own production company, SimplyFilm Productions to produce my films and other Southern stories. Check out my new website at I would love your reactions. I am retired and making movies is my passion and second career. Open to collaborations!

Haunted by the fear of inheriting her mother's debilitating schizophrenia, a resilient young woman meticulously controls her life through strict routines and overachievement.
Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations to you and your co-writer on winning the Alabama Screenplay Category of Screenwrite and being quarterfinalists in Stage 32's Rom Com contest, Lisa Harrison! Great website! It's eye-catching and easy to navigate.

Pat Semler

Congratulations on the win. Best of luck with your young company.

Patrice Sarath

Wow, that's awesome! Congratulations!!

BL Gabriel

Great website, Lisa! Both movies sound intriguing.

Nick Phillips

Winner Winner! Awesome stuff Lisa Harrison!

Jim Boston

Lisa, congratulations on winning wish "The Wish List!"

From one retiree to's wishing you more and more success!

Pat Alexander

Great job by you Lisa Harrison and best of luck getting your Production company moving and shaking!

Sam Sokolow

Hi Lisa Harrison - it's great to meet you in the community and congratulations on the success of The Wish List! I'll check out I am a fan of your mission! I recommend checking out the Stage 32 Certification dashboard - there are fantastic courses there for people who want to work in film and TV physical production. Here's a link so you can check it out:

Andrea Meshel

Congratulations! That is awesome Lisa!

Petra Jurasova

Congratulations :) that’s sounds awesome :)

Tom Lapke

Congratulations. It is wonderful to see that all your hard work is paying off.

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