Introduce Yourself : Hi Introduce Yourself Weekend :) by Sandra Isabel Correia

Sandra Isabel Correia

Hi Introduce Yourself Weekend :)

Hello, Introduce Yourself Weekend!

Even on holidays, I pass by to say hi!

I am Sandra, a global screenwriter, an enthusiastic executive producer, an experienced businesswoman, an advocate for human rights, a dreamer, and most importantly, a human who believes in love and believes that storytelling and the film industry are crucial tools for educating and raising awareness for humanity.

I wrote a metaphysical queer amazing screenplay, and I am doing "Break My Feature" with the unique Kay Ross.

It's a process and a beautiful journey!

I am blessed to be part of this incredible community, and I have found amazing people here.

Thank you, Stage 32!

Maurice Vaughan

Hope you're enjoying the holidays, Sandra Isabel Correia!

Sandra Isabel Correia

I am my beautiful friend :)) Summer weather in Portugal ! One more wee to go! I hope you are well Maurice Vaughan and having some summer fun also :))

Maurice Vaughan

Portugal is really beautiful, Sandra Isabel Correia! I'm doing well. I've been writing, networking, pitching, spending time with family, and watching movies/shows/sports this summer.

Sandra Isabel Correia

It is Maurice Vaughan :)) good food and wine also :)) I am so happy for you, that’s what make our life even more happy. Enjoyyyy

Leonardo Ramirez

Always good to see you Sandra Isabel Correia! And I cannot wait to visit beautiful Portugal!

Sandra Isabel Correia

I am Cee Whirx thank you :))

Sandra Isabel Correia

Me too Leonardo Ramirez I love to see you, always :)) I hope one day you can come to visit my country and meet you here, also :)) Have an amazing Sunday my friend :))

Leonardo Ramirez

So do I, Sandra Isabel Correia. Hope your Sunday is beautiful!!

Evelyn Von Warnitz

Same experience here, Sandra! Loving your post!

Richard "RB" Botto

Always brining the sunshine and the positive energy. Great to see you, Sandra Isabel Correia!

Sandra Isabel Correia

Thank you Evelyn Von Warnitz I saw your bio and you are amazing :))

Sandra Isabel Correia

Hi Rose Willow, thank you. It’s a very special screenplay :)) No, I am rewriting last version before I go out to pitch again :)) You can see the Logline and Poster at my profile :) I am happy you like it!

Ingrid Wolf

Hi Sandra. Your project sounds really cool. Best of luck with it!

Sandra Isabel Correia

We are the sunshine Richard "RB" Botto :)) You in LA, me in Lisbon :)) Great to see you always with that great energy you are! I hope you are well as it seems my friend :))

Sandra Isabel Correia

Hi Ingrid Wolf Thank youu! I saw your TV Show Logline in your profile and sounds really good! Specially your Why Me! I Hope you achieve your goals :))

Evelyn Von Warnitz

@Sandra Isabel Correia Impressed by your screenplay! Let us know more about it. Not amazing myself. But wrote a Fantasy Drama screenplay with Climate Change Storytelling AN AMAZING LIFE. :))))) One of my best author's friend moved from Germany to Portugal and loved it. So were are closely.

Sandra Isabel Correia

Thank you Evelyn Von Warnitz :)) it’s a story from my heart :)) I will! Oh I love Fantasy and I see your Why Now it’s so important. Yes, you are amazing, we are! We are closely, I live in Lisbon and if you need anything from me, I am here. Let’s stay in touch :))

J R O'Hara

Sandra, love your bio. It's great to meet someone who is really doing it!

Sandra Isabel Correia

Thank you J R O'Hara My pleasure:))

Sandra Isabel Correia

Thank you Nick Phillips step by step making my own evolution:)) Thank you also for the good you bring to Stage 32 :))

Sandra Isabel Correia

Hey my good friend Geoff Hall :))) soon, I will be back :))

Eon C. Rambally

Always great seeing you with the energy Sandra Isabel Correia. It's the vibes to look forward to!

Pat Alexander

Great to hear from you Sandra Isabel Correia ! Cheers and happy writing!

Sandra Isabel Correia

Thank you Eon C. Rambally always good vibes, I try :))

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