This is a great interview with one of the best filmmakers in the industry. Working with Ron was a highlight of my career and I never stop learning from him, even when I read his interviews. Are any of you going to see Eden when it finds its way to theaters?
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Eden sounds like a very interesting story. I'd like to see it. Interesting interview. Little disappointed in the last answer to the question about Hollywood and the slow down post strikes. He did come from working in the studio system and has done so many big movies, his answer didn't seem very supportive of the people who do still work here in California. Unless he was talking more the incentives needed to compete with other countries. Most of us can't work in those other countries unless someone like him requests us.. Then makes me wonder who he brought to work on Eden or did he use mostly local people. It is great movie makers like himself that I would hope would stand up for Hollywood and those he grew up with. Maybe it's just me!
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I agree with you, Xochi Blymyer! But we are in a moment of globalization of content creation and Ron may have been aiming for that.
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true Sam Sokolow - I bet - and I know that’s the reality - guess knowing how lovely he is about things and talking about growing up on the movie lots, i was a bit let down at that response. thought he’d be one to push for o not have it happen. Happened to be talking to an older director friend of mine today about this about how California may not want to give more incentives to support the big studios cause they have enough money, but it would put so many in Hollywood to work to have it. round and round we go. the good and the bad. I also worked w this director when the whole crew was taken on location from Los Angeles. Those were fun shows!
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I can’t go in person, but it sounds interesting.
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Ron Howard’s series on Masterclass ends with him blocking and shooting scenes with actors. It’s some of the most eye-opening educational material I’ve ever seen on how to be a director.