Hey there, Screenwriting Lounge! Wanted to share a fun update on our fellow writer Kim Hornsby! After a meeting with a Stage 32 executive consultant and a subsequent script request, Kim's script is being submitted to a network! Kim is currently writing a blog detailing this success story, so be on the lookout for that. In the meantime, huge congrats to Kim. Stay on it and be persistent. Progress could be right around the corner!
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That’s so cool and inspiring! Congratulations Kim and thanks Nick for sharing with us! As usually I say, besides resilience, persistence, believing in yourself, it’s also a match journey and synchronization happens :)) Stage 32 thanks for everything you do for us :))
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Congratulations, Kim! Can't wait to read the blog!
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Very nice
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Awesome! Way to go Kim!
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Beyond thrilled for Kim, one of the hardest working writers out there!
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Kim, way to ROCK! Congratulations to you...and here's to further success!
Who said Stage 32 doesn't work?
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congratulations, Kim. well done, mate!
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Aw. I love Kim!! So well deserved.
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good news and continued success.
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That is such great great news! I am so happy for you! Go have some ice cream! (OK, that's for me, but you can share it, too) Congratulations!!!
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2 people like this
WOW !!!! thats amazing (: