Introduce Yourself : Introducing myself by Rowan Hartman

Rowan Hartman

Introducing myself

Hi everyone,

I'm Rowan Hartman and I am new here! I recently started as a screenwriter and found out that I can put my creativity and vision into stories. I hope to connect with likeminded people. Currently working on a drama script

Rowan Hartman

Thank you Maurice Vaughan

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Rowan Hartman. How's your script coming along?

Rawan M. Abu Taima

Hello Rowan, like name same mind and interest!

Welcome Rowan I am new here and have like minded interest.

Sam Sokolow

Its great to meet you here in the community, Rowan Hartman! Can you share what your drama script is about?

Rowan Hartman

Sam Sokolow Thank you

Here is a short synopsis of the drama script im currently working on:

After losing his family in a tragic accident, David spirals into grief and isolation. As he wanders the empty city, encountering broken souls, he searches for a glimmer of hope. But when his chance for connection slips away, he’s left with only echoes of his lost life and the question of whether he’ll ever find peace.

Focussing on character build, philosophical questions and psychological

Lauren Hackney

Welcome! Good luck with your screen writing journey!

Rowan Hartman

Maurice Vaughan My script is going wel, but I dont know yet how to get exposure and to make the next step.

Maurice Vaughan

Glad your script is going well, Rowan Hartman. It sounds interesting. One thing you could be during while you work on your script is networking. That way you'll already have relationships established by time you’re ready to pitch your script. Here are some blogs about networking:

Kevin Enners

Rowan Hartman Welcome! Always good to meet a fellow screenwriter. I am also working to break into the industry. I write dramas, comedy dramas, and thrillers. I have cerebral palsy, and write with eyegaze tech. So, many of my scripts are about people with disabilities. The very best of luck to you. I hope we can connect on Stage32.

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