Does Stage32 or anyone here have a way to teach an old-ish dog how to input IMDB pro stuff in a concise, simple way? I am losing my "you know what" about it. Finally got my name corrected, now trying to add old credits which keep defaulting the now extinct name, trying to add qualifying script awards.... I have contacted them (useless), and a friend who is much younger came over and had trouble. Who on here is an expert? Anyone? Its mostly the writing stuff. The old TV and movie things I dont really need right now.
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Let me see if I remember. What I absolutely remember is they will NEVER get back to you. I tried having one of my credits deleted and still waiting 2 years later. I COULD be wrong about this but I think for qualifying script awards it has to be done by someone else and like tagged/credited back to your account otherwise it is sometimes janky. It sometimes work but sometimes doesn't. So like the award/company that gave it to you i think would need an IMDB account and add you as a recipient. I don't remember exactly how that works because i haven't had real work in a while so my IMDB has been untouched for a while.
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Yeah, uh... I got nothin. I have stress dreams about updating my IMDB. Sorry.
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Michael Fitzer LOL nah that's totally fair though!
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Script awards are not movie credits, so they might not be that interested in approving them for you.
When I add my credits, I find it’s easier if the film is already listed. I made a tutorial a while back showing my method.
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Mike Boas This makes so much sense why it sometimes gets approved and sometimes doesn't. And yea if the film is already listed or if another cast member adds you on their behalf it definitely makes things way easier!
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IMDb is notoriously finicky. You really just have to keep clicking buttons until they go through.
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Mike Boas correct. Though theres also a place for awards et al. I'm just going to regroup and breathe and start again... thanks all
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It's a clunky system, but generally speaking, you get added by the productions you're attached to. You don't go adding yourself to stuff. Same with awards, I imagine, most of which aren't going to worth the bother listing.
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CJ Walley normally I would agree. But with a name correction and having worked in the um, 80's... it's a manual search and add. One also has to add IMDB qualifying awards.
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Hey Susan Kelejian Fiverr.com has folks that can help ya do that. Cheers!
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When I update my bio or have someone add me to a production, it's pretty much instant. There are tiers of membership though. I know someone who was part of their early submission drive and they can pretty much change anything they want because they are a long-time trusted contributor.