Screenwriting : How About a Screenplay Exchange? by Philip David Lee

Philip David Lee

How About a Screenplay Exchange?

If anybody is interested in a screenplay exchange to share feedback with each other, I would be honored to get your impressions. My screenplay is a 99 page action/thriller. I'm the director so I'm not worried about verbs that end in "ing" or too much ink, not enough ink or any of the other minor nit-picky things "readers" look for. I just want to gauge your overall enjoyment or hatred level as a movie goer with the added advantage of knowing story construction. Let me know if you're interested in participating. Thank you.


Sam Rivera

Hi Philip! You should check out the Writers' Room as many members are always sharing work and try out a free trial on it here

Pat Alexander

Philip is a great writer and person! Hit him up people and let's get his script read!

Philip David Lee

Drongo Bum Who exactly are these readers, Drongo? Are they even literate enough to recognize what a good story is? Are they just pawns to studios to push another unpopular agenda on the movie going public? Who were the readers that approved of the debacle that killed Star Wars? Is making up stupid rules that are basically meaningless part of a craft? Who makes up these rules anyway? Go ahead and brown nose these time wasters. Let me know when you decide to take the craft seriously. If you want to be anything more than an anonymous annoyance, try not to come off as pompous background noise.

Philip David Lee

Drongo Bum And yet you hide your identity and assume that anyone that disagrees with these pretend established parameters aren't serious about their craft. Now I don't have a remarkable IMDB page of accomplishments as someone that's been in the business "more than 45 years," but I don't hide who I am or make unverifiable claims. I can make up a name and claim anything i want. Do I expect you to accept that? What you may claim are "personal attacks" I merely express worthwhile advice to garner the respect you might deserve being in the industry for 45 years. Otherwise, it's just empty talk and I get enough of that from the other scammers and morons that don't know how to construct a fair deal for everyone involved. I show my cards no matter how weak a hand it seems I have. You want to tell me you have a Royal Flush, I want to see the cards before you scoop the pot.

Now in fairness, I can understand your need for privacy. You may have a world of knowledge from your experience, but take a few steps in my shoes. There are plenty of tidbits you can add to your profile without giving yourself away. You claim you've been in the business for 45 years, but how have you changed your approach to filmmaking in 2025 or do you still play by the same old stale playbook? Why do investors continue to burn their cash on these overpriced projects? I don't need your autobiography, but Jeez man, no one takes leaps of faith like that anymore.

Thomas Cummins

no thanks!

Philip David Lee

Drongo Bum Then why are you even here? Is it to prove how special you are to us lowly creatives struggling to prove ourselves? Are we supposed to kiss your ass? If you don't want to help anyone, that's your gig. You want us to profusely thank you for pointing out how we're just privileged and arrogant without having confidence in what we do? 45 years. If you started in your 20's, that puts you over 65 so why don't you revel in your own fecal soiled Depends of accomplishments and retire off into the sunset. Spare us you need for worship and go slowly age on your throne of self importance until you shuffle off this mortal coil. You say you have no need for attention but you have no problem butting into the lives of others continuing the persistent hypocrisy and elite attitude that struggling people with creative potential have to deal with. This incredibly phony pontifical arrogance.that all entertainment veterans seem to think you've earned is frankly why Hollywood can't make great movies anymore. I've been humble enough. Now I'm just angry beyond anything anyone can imagine because of plastic idols like yourself. I can die without ever achieving my goals because once I'm dead, I won't care but while I'm here, I will continue to have confidence in what I do and consider overbearing, imperious self-appointed emperors in new clothes as another insignificant hurdle I just have to leap over.

Now begone. We obviously have no further use for each other or need to engage in further discussions.

Philip David Lee

Thomas Cummins Hey Thomas, why are you such an antagonist? We're not on each other's network so your comment is for what? To show what a bad man you are? The exclamation point was really intimidating. It's too bad you didn't use a capital letter on "no." Of course you can edit your comment so it at least it looks like.that you do have a basic grasp of proper grammar. Otherwise your pathetic display of phony manhood has been observed and appropriately discarded. Humans....

Oleksandr Shcherbyna

Philip David Lee I would gladly read your material. I'm not a writer, more often I found myslef on production & VFX side. Nevertheless, I did write several scripts for practicing and generally interested in the craft of writing

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Philip David Lee and Drongo Bum. Drongo was giving his opinion, but it sounds like you took it as a personal attack, Philip. You both -- and everyone on Stage 32 -- are allowed to give your opinions on posts and you probably won't agree on everything or like how the other person says things, but let's try to not take things as personal attacks or attack each other.

Marcel Nault Jr.

My personal recommendation if you're looking for feedback, specially free in this current harsh economic climate: Coverfly.

You can submit your own scripts for feedback and are encourage to provide some yourself. It function according to a token system. Google it and find out for yourself. :)

Philip David Lee

Maurice Vaughan What I took objection to is that Drongo left off the first part of my statement "I'm the director so" which changes the whole meaning of the statement. My point was that my screenplay has scene numbers and things in the narration that I wrote in to remember for that sequence of events for example describing a particular move is an action sequence or an insert shot for a scene. Instead it came off as that I don'r care when I just wanted to point out that it's not going to a "reader" so try to just enjoy the story. I've had "readers" say "I couldn't get past all the formatting errors to finish your screenplay sighting the same examples I just listed. Again, as the director, I know this crap. I know how to format a screenplay where some of their dumber rules have nothing to do with whether the writing is good or bad. Drongo comes off suggesting that I don't care about the quality of my work or the craft.

Did I misjudge his comments as a personal attack? I can accept that Could I have handled it better? I could have but for someone that's been in the business for 45 years, he could have worded his response with a little more tact. For what it's worth, I apologize to the mysterious Drongo for taking his defense of readers the wrong way and will try and have a more magnanimous attitude when someone answers a post of mine expressing a position that has really nothing to do with the post in the first place. Lastly, if Drongo use common sense and logic in the first place, this whole incident could have been avoided.

Thank you, Maurice for your fair and even-handed observations of this exchange. Yes, I can be difficult sometimes, but I only have my past and my perceptions of what is presented to choose what hill I wish to die on. Drongo, be well. If I ever run run into a reader, I'll let them know you have their back. Now all this just made me think of something I want to add to my screenplay so if you'll excuse me.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Philip David Lee. "If I ever run run into a reader, I'll let them know you have their back." I appreciate it. "Now all this just made me think of something I want to add to my screenplay so if you'll excuse me." It's like no matter the situation, writers can find things to use for scripts, which is great.

Jeffery Mack

What a great idea, I would love to be part of an exchange. Message me directly if you see this and we'll work something out.....

Philip David Lee

Drongo Bum You raise some good points but you continue to forget while on your quest to defend the poor misunderstood reader, MY POST ISN'T ABOUT THE PLIGHT OF READERS! I don't care about producer's "sensibilities" or what "genres" they prefer. I've done my market research and I wrote a story I think will be entertaining to a large variety of audience members. This is an entertainment industry, is it not? My $1.5M budget for a SAG action/thriller independent film, compared to the big risk misfires of the last 3 years, is relatively low risk equating to some of the craft service costs of other films. I have a worldwide known star extremely interested in playing the title role, I have my shooting schedule all planned out and a screenplay that hits on all the upper tier market shares according to genre, film rating and source material. I'm doing my best to find investors without having to rewrite my soul with people who can't write a decent message in a Christmas card.

Agents need a referral from someone in the industry but it can't be anyone in the industry. It has to be someone they shared a Diddy video with, Studios want to own everything that comes out your head when the only creative milestones they've accomplished in recent years comes out in a daily movement and distribution wants to charge you $5K for a box of pencils on top of the other hidden fees and rip offs they are known for but you just get in goosestep with the all of your 45 years of wisdom and knowledge to defend the downtrodden readers. Why don't you go to another lounge like say "Anything Goes" and you can start a prayer group or support group for your dear precious readers. I'm not interested in your crusade. I'm here to try and utilize Stage 32 for what it was intended for. I'm trying to network with other creatives. I have no idea what the hell your purpose is.

Philip David Lee

Drongo Bum Oh, now it's personal abuse. Poor baby. I didn't accuse anyone of anything they aren't guilty of. I speak from experience. of which you can't seem to understand. It's like seeing that someone is incompetent or mentally incompetent and then saying it's the best version of this person ever. I never said reader were keeping me down? no. I told of one experience I had with someone, but I'm not blaming him for anything. I'm not blaming you for anything except being a royal pain because for someone with 45 years of experience, which is getting more pathetic or entertaining every time I remind you of your resume, you seem to have a really hard time understanding context and content. Calling people out for the stupidity they wish to display is not being offended. I'm just making statements of facts and as I tried to apologize for taking a more personal view of your inane comments, you just can't let it go.

So let me try to put this in layman's terms and this is is a factual comparison so try not to be offended but you are about as important to me as a dust mite on a flea's ass. I don't care about your existence. I will never care about your existence nor do I ever need for our lives to cross paths ever again. If you find enjoyment going back and forth with me, you truly have a pathetic and sad life. Now am I being mean and insulting or is it just my opinion?

Since you seem to love having the last word, go ahead and run wild. I promise I won't respond unless you cross the line. I wouldn't do that. Cowards that like to hide in shadows are only brave until the light hits them.

Ashley Renee Smith

Alright, Head of Community stepping in here. This conversation has clearly strayed far from its original purpose. Arguments like this do not benefit anyone and only serve to damage reputations.

On a platform like Stage 32, there are always eyes on these discussions—fellow creatives, potential collaborators, and industry professionals. How you handle disagreements here goes a long way in showing others whether they would want to work with you, give you feedback, or even just engage in conversation with you moving forward. Professionalism and respect should always come first, even when you don’t agree with someone.

If you don’t like a post, there are plenty of others to engage with. From this point forward, the discussion should focus entirely on the topic of the original post—whether or not you are interested in participating in a screenplay exchange.

If the argument continues past this point, this thread will be removed. Let’s keep this community constructive and supportive.

Shayla Robinson

Hello Philip, I'm Shayla. I am looking for a screenplay exchange. If you're interested please let me know!

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