Filmmaking / Directing : Commercial kitchen -culinary institute by Amanda Morton

Amanda Morton

Commercial kitchen -culinary institute

Does anybody on here have access to a culinary school in LA? I'm trying to see how much they would charged to rent their commercial kitchen for one day a week for a few months. Any leads or contacts would be helpful :)

Amanda Morton

thanks! I like Christina Peters kitchen, problem is I need something with 14 plus cooking stations so it limits my options. Thanks so much for the links :)

Bonnie Wooding

Hi Amanda - I don't have any connections but the following two links list culinary schools in LA and in California. I had an online chat with the Cordon Blue College LA and asked if they ever rented their facilities. I was directed to call them at 1.626.229.1300. Links: Los Angeles California

Amanda Morton

Thanks Jason I will definitely check out the second link and see what I can find! And Bonnie, thanks so much for finding a phone number for me. I'll be sure to give them a call in the morning :)

Patrick "pH" Hampton

There are 2 AI campus in LA I am sure one of them has a cooking program. They rent out space like that all the time. Yeah for profit colleges!

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