This has probably been asked here a million times, but what the heck? I wonder, how do you do it? How do you get people - absolute strangers - to give you money to make your film?
This has probably been asked here a million times, but what the heck? I wonder, how do you do it? How do you get people - absolute strangers - to give you money to make your film?
Theresa, here a great link that may answer some of your questions!
hey ray, thank you for the link. this is by far the most extensive and useful blog post I have read about crowdfunding. thank you.
No problem! I was actually just re-reading through it when I saw your post!
I think we're prepared for the launch, our video is great, it's the rewards I'm a bit worried about. by the way, congratulations on your kickstarter project. the rewards are pretty awesome.
I´m wondering the same thing. I have a great script, but it´s almost impossible to get anyone of major importance to read it. :( Getting money is even more difficult. Good luck.
Please check out the link I posted. It is very well written and answers this question!!!
Hi Willem, I suppose we can do that but you probably know how tough it is to get back the money you've invested in a film. Our writer/director is investing a lot of his money in this project we're working on and there is no guarantee he'll get half of what he put in. And the movie is darn good - or at least it's going to be, but you know how cutthroat the whole business is especially when it comes to actually making money from the film.
I'm definitely an amateur film maker but it seems to me that the most important thing when doing a kickstarter or indiegogo or what ever is to make sure that as many people as possible both hear about and watch the video concerning your project. To be honest, most of the kick starter videos I watch are so boring and un-informative that I am not surprised that they don't make their goals... Good luck with your groupfunding project though, finding an investor i'm sure is a difficult hurdle to jump!
Hello John, we actually haven't launched the kickstarter project. we are just preparing for it. We have shoot the video though. I'm planning to share it here soon - see, what the experts reaction will be. :D