Producing : Kickstarter for fund raising by Ilona Rossman Ho

Ilona Rossman Ho

Kickstarter for fund raising

I'm in the middle of a Kickstarter campaign to raise post-production funds for my short film Dressing Up. Wondering if other people have used Kickstarter and what advice they have.

Don Patterson

Gave it a try a few months ago. To see what would happen. Visit my page (here @ stage 32) for a quick trailer example. Tried several trailer approaches -- cast interviews, goals and story line pitch. Learned a lot from others in what not to do (by doing). Will do another attempt in two weeks, but one that should get more positive response and with a far more realistic approach.

Ilona Rossman Ho

I've heard the best time to launch is Sat morning, 6am eastern time. More people sitting down looking at fb. I've posted to twitter, fb, linkedin, and my email contacts. I think one of the keys is having a large online network OR partnering with ppl who have large followings/networks.

Ray Anthony Martinez

There was a similar post to this the other day... Here is a great link that may answer some of your questions:

Ilona Rossman Ho

Thanks Ray, good info.

Ray Anthony Martinez

No Problem!

Rebecca Ferrell

Hello, I have not used the program myself but one lady from Society of Writers Children and Illustrators meeting last month said to back others up with money and feed back. She said you need to build networking there, she said to be inventive with your gifts for pledges and your titles for them and that you ask others to visit the site whether they pledge or not as to keep it freshly visited. Hope that helps. I have a questoin for you but I'll post it later. Thanks. Rebecca

Tim Paynter

Don't over extend, work your network through social media, be generous but most of all, a strong message sells.

Val Mauro

Be realistis with your goal. Don't set it too high if you have a small networking base. Supporting other projects is ok. However, I received emails of people promising to donate if I donated to their projects. This is ok, but be leary of campaigns that might end soon and who are asking for donations from you at the start of your campaign. Some don't keep their promises and you can lose money.

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