Your Stage : Epic Uplifting Music by Milo Coello

Milo Coello

Epic Uplifting Music

Another uplifting epic music track I wrote months ago. It wasn't for any film or project in particular, but just for myself. It's really nice to do that every now and then and just write whatever comes to you, whatever inspires you. Let me know what you think!

Jeffrey Ginn

Bravo Milo. Very well done. If I were to suggest composers it seemed to reflect or pay homage to I would say John Barry ( sorry we lost him recently) and A. R. Rahman. Big picture music. Well done. Again, bravo!

Michael May Webber

Hey I'll end up becoming a fan of yours! Your music is catchy and exciting! I am not a producer, but I'm sure it'll attract a few!

Durand Saint-Hilaire


Onyx London

Simply Breathe Taking :)

Milo Coello

Thank you all for your messages! I'm glad you enjoyed it =)

Lisa J. Yarde

That was amazing, made me envision a scene of triumph over many adversities. Well done.

Grant Stevens

Really nice Milo, very much enjoyed listening to it.

Graham J McLusky (Hon.) Bls. Ald

You know... one spends years listening to emotivemusic tracks but rarely does one actually find something as exciting as this! I will send you a network request. Best wishes GRAHAM

Kira George

I listen to epic movie scores all the time while I write... This Sir, has given me a whole new story idea... THANK YOU! Very well done....

Nathan Ross Freeman

Unabashed orchestration, layers and layers of earned joy through an odyssey that immensely celebrates the scars, and loss.

Nathan Ross Freeman

But WON!

Beka I Am

Beautiful, Powerful, Image evoking and easily for the BIG screen!

Beka I Am

and I agree, sometimes you have to do things just for yourself...after all that's where all the passion comes from. And you can feel it here!

Richard Torres

dude this is beautiful work!!! great stuff!!

Milo Coello

Thank you all again very very much for your comments. It makes me very happy that I can transmit emotions through my music to you and that you enjoy what I have to say with it! =)

Jeffrey Ginn

Do you like Deodato?

Milo Coello

Hey jeff, yeah, he's amazing!

Jeffrey Ginn

You'd love my vast collection of motion picture scores. I've got most of Bernard Herrmann's. My all time favorite. I've got some Franz Waxman that is mind blowing.

Marie Pier Perreault

Wow. It is a beautiful piece....I really love the strings in it, very powerful yet graceful. Oddly fitting for the script I am curently writing, even the title. Eerie. Thanks for sharing :)

Jennifer DiMarco

Beautifully composed.

Milo Coello

That sounds very interesting, I just e-mailed you with a few questions. Thank you!

JM Mars

That is just fantastic! I absolutely love it; thank-you for sharing.

Shanika Freeman

Wonderful work :)

Keith (Frey) Love

This sound would go great with my film.

Michael May Webber

Excellent work! :)

Aaron Kaplan

Beautifully done; very commercial. Congratulations.

Deborah Roberts

I have twittered this I hope you so not mind as it is such a wonderful sound I had to shear it for others to listen to well done to you the Composer of a Sound Track some one should hear this & use it for what ever comes your way I wish you good Luck in your Work

Milo Coello

Thanks a lot Deborah!

George 'Jordy' Wallace

Sounds FABulous! nice work! As a fellow composer I sat here listening going "hmmm, I should try something like this...a series of related chords that create the 'lift'" (getting technical here!), and, well, that's a REAL compliment to you! Was that the East West Symphonic Choir doing the chorus parts? Someone gave me that plug-in to try out, I haven't yet gotten it to work. Anyway, nice going Milo! All the best, Jordy

George 'Jordy' Wallace

Also just noticed you're a Berklee alumnus (like myself, from '70 to '73). I visited there last June. You wouldn't believe how big they've gotten - I think they own most of that block on Mass Ave!

Milo Coello

Thanks a lot for your compliment! Though I love E.W. Symphonic Choir, I actually used Requiem for the choirs, they're awesome. And yeah, I haven't gone to Boston in about 3 years, but I've heard how much it's growing! They even have a real scoring stage now =/ I would've loved to have that while I was there haha!

George 'Jordy' Wallace

Milo, I'm afraid the filmscoring class(es) I took while there were a bit of a disappointment, for reasons I don't quite remember. However, part of the 'reason' may have been my own tendency in those days to not apply myself - a tendency which went away as I finally entered adulthood later in the mid-70s. I also took Joe Hostetter's recording course back in the day. He had a Crown 2-track and a teeny Martin mixer, where the pan pots were like 'Right-CLICK-Center-CLICK-Left'. My my how we've grown indeed!! cheers, Jordy

Gary Gibbons

Great composition Milo...

Pat Savage


Janet Scott

Very nice....

Paul Farrell

Congrats, great tune, curious to know what sw you used to create the music?

Carolyn Long

Very nice indeed

Milo Coello

Usually Requiem and Symphonic Choirs

Emily Verdict

Wow! I liked it a lot! Great work!

Deborah Roberts

Wonderful Sound Track

Dieter Verlaenen

Love it makes me think of my soul great. Maybe time to raise The Templars who knows...... In short it is great even if Epic wonderfull. The fact imagine Templars has a reason in your backing vocals nice work gratz

Milo Coello

Thank you guys so much! It makes me so happy something I composed can make people feel good and inspired =) THANK YOU!

Dieter Verlaenen

Non Nobis Domine :) Just a wild thought

Pat Savage


Dieter Verlaenen

yeah nice one

Cat Can

Wow! This is beautiful!

John Tinger

That is a amazing evocative mood!! great work!

Milo Coello

Thanks a lot guys! If you liked it then feel free to visit and like my facebook page, I put new music there often!

Janet Scott

As always.... Magnificent............

Janet Scott

The music takes you on a journey...

John Tinger

great power to the composers of uplifting and healing music!!!!!

Janet Scott

For sure, for sure..... Uplifting totally....

James David Sullivan

"Play on, soft pipes!"

Suzanne Lutas

I listen to your music, and an amazing story unfolds before me - Kudos Milo!

Nathan Ross Freeman


Pat Savage

Back for another listen! Great stuff!

Ambrose Freeman-Toole

Nice work.

Steven Fox

Very uplifting.

James David Sullivan

"Star Lord"

Jamie Phillip Langlois

Nice timing.

Elisabeth Meier

Wow. This is great filmmusic. It inspires me to write a certain story. That's cool. We writers and composers should exchange our work more often to get inspired by each other. Thanks for sharing!

Milo Coello

Overwhelmed by the continuos response to Arise, eventhough I posted it a long time ago, thank you everyone very very much! I'm releasing an album soon so I'll post it here in case you all want to hear more epic uplifting music I've written.

Beka I Am

powerful Milo...and it always great to create for's a nice respite from what CAN on occasion become a grind! :D

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