Introduce Yourself : Hi from La La Land by Shirley Nishimoto

Shirley Nishimoto

Hi from La La Land

Newly minted screenwriter (will graduate in Dec) near Los Angeles (Santa Clarita) who has yet to make it "big." Currently looking for work experience in the entertainment industry (since they won't come to me...). After two years (and a degree in screenwriting), this writer finds she still has a lot to learn about writing. "She" is currently reviewing her past work and in the process of rewriting her first screenplay, Sundown ("writing is rewriting"). If and when I am satisfied, I may post it on Talentville.

Richard Torres

Hey shirley keep your head up as a writer 2 years i feel you....keep strong :)

Shirley Nishimoto

Thanks, will do!

Richard Torres

do you have a specific genre you write in?

Shirley Nishimoto

Mostly drama. I have interests in science and psychology (though I didn't study much of either in college) so they are my strengths. Sundown was my first sci-fi action/adventure I've written. The rest are straight drama which fits in with the psychological aspects.

Alison McLean

hello la la land... Shirley xx

Richard Torres

thats awesome....i love action/adventure stuff and im in the same boat as you i have written some dramas with psychological aspects to them as well. just curious cuz i struggle and get tons of writers block at times like at the moment im stuck on this script ive been writing and cant get passed a certain do you cope with this? any tips? and where do you find inspiration? if you dont mind me asking :)

Shirley Nishimoto

By using an outline. A lot of writers dread writing an outline (this one included) but it keeps you from wandering off too far from the story line. What you have to remember is that the outline is only a guideline and not written in stone. As much as I would love to write like Tarantino, the outline has saved my butt many a times. Other times, you let the characters do the talking and other times if you are truly blocked, go do something: take a walk, take a shower, read a book to give your brain a chance to work it out (I keep a notepad handy when ideas pop). Finally, just write anything to get through the blockage or to the next scene. Hope that helps.

Brandi Alyssa Young

I hear you! Try breaking in from another state when La La Land thinks that if you live in another state you cannot possible be serious about acting OR any good! LOL I write a little too, in between studies and classes, not much time left. I am currently doing a shot list for my current short. I wish you the best, and maybe we can work together one day! :-)

Valerie Michele Oliver

Greetings and cheers! ~Val

Richard Torres

@Shirley great thanks for the advice!! ...yeah ive heard about writing an outline definitely saves lives lol ill give that a shot tonight :) @brandi i didnt know LA LA Land thought such things? lol mad retarted haha......i had to do a shot list for my television production class that was interesting....question...when it comes to shot list whats your format cause i heard there's several different ways to write a shot list? Do you write your shot list in sequence cause I know the shot list for television is done live well atleast for us since we were producing a live broadcast through a network channel, but when it comes to a shot list for as you say a short would it work the same way?

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