Anything Goes : Have your Content Hacked by The Best - TV Hackfest at London Transmedia Fest 2012 by Richard Kastelein

Richard Kastelein

Have your Content Hacked by The Best - TV Hackfest at London Transmedia Fest 2012

Yes a provocative headline - but one that you might think of. ITV is just one of our sponsors who are making available their content to be hacked, mashed, shaped, moulded, socialized, second screened, transmediated and more... at by some 150-200 developers, designers, coders, UX/UI experts, writers, producers and more... Think Transmedia. Think Second Screen. Think Creatives Meet Technologists. TV Hackfest is part of the world's largest Transmedia gathering - ever. London Transmedia Fest 2012 is expecting over 1000 attendees. Interested in seeing what some of London's finest minds can do with your content? Contact -

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