Does anyone know of an email client (application) that preserves the formatting of either CELTEX or FINAL DRAFT?. I own CELTEX (woo-hoo! $15 version), but will buy FINAL DRAFT if it has ability to send formatted scripts. I also use SmarterMail and I'm wondering if anyone has configured this to script formatting??? Or give me a solution for sending formatted script snippets quickly... THANKS - måx
Is it possible to send a PDF?
I drink to much coffee to futz with PDF (besides they contain hidden code that Adobe unitizes to spy on people... I know, I use to work for them.
You're kidding, right? Why do you think Celtex is free? Because they use hidden code to spy on people. You think the $15 version doesn't use the same code? Seriously? FD is well known for containing a hidden code to spy on people. Why do you think they were forced to discontinue their Final Draft Reader? And you're going to email? Yet you're worried about the hidden code in PDF. All the "free" email software contains hidden code to spy on people; SmarterTools is notorious!
It all just got signed into law now it's not illegal to spy on the net so everyone will be using code like that. :)
Why would you want to email part of a script. And not actually email it as a pdf? Just use your program to convert the snippet to pdf and send that way.I don't think any program will keep the formatting no matter the cost. It's not something that we normally do, send in email.
Thanks Martyn... yes attachment, of course.
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If PDF is an issue then you can the other method of just exporting from CELTX as text and emailing it from Microsoft Word assuming you have Word. As for the spying, well, unfortunately, the internet makes is easy to spy on you no matter what software you use. Now where's my other comment I posted.
I have the 15 dollar version of Celtx and have never had any of those issues. Granted I have Celtx installed on every computer I utilize, and save my scripts to the cloud instead of emailing... exporting to pdf when I need to send it to someone to read... being spied upon...meh....