How is everyone? I just finished my six year labor of love for my original genre breaking Screenplay. I'm looking for advice on how to raise upwards of 30Million dollars. I want to film the project in NY. It is inspired by Film Noir and is part of building my franchise. Think the next Star Wars, Marvel or DC. If anyone can help me figure out what's the first step I would be much obliged. I also hope to Direct this project with A list talent.
I plan to be the Director. I do not own my own production company (that will change). I do consider myself Freelance. 6 years since the first incarnation of the idea, 3 years for the first draft of the final version. I actually plan on it being in Cannes. I won't take it as negative advice. What I need to do is make the right moves. I am working on putting together my core team. Don't worry, when it's done it will be very difficult to not see the end production ;)
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I am going to take a stab in the dark and say that "upwards of $30 Million" is a wild guess on your part, and that you have not had anyone actually do a real breakdown and budget. Right?
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Well as far as moving forward you want to get yourself an agent (One on the WGA list) because they are really what moves your material as far as deals and money forward. If you truly feel you have a solid concept I feel you should do that.
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You can try: Although, I doubt you will get 30 Mil
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Good luck, I have been trying to get 7.5 million for my film for some 5 years now.
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Try Kickstarter or Indiegogo as someone suggested, but 30 million is probably asking for too much on a crowdfunding site. Recently, Zach Braff did some crowdfunding and so did the Veronica Mars film. However, those were very ambitious projects and funding goals. You usually want to try to go lower than that. I would suggest taking the smallest funding goal possible to making your project a reality. Can you check out my Kickstarter project and donate/spread the word? Thanks!
I have an actor for you that would look good in Noir.
As far as your question. Be driven. Hold events, funding events for your film that have a specific theme as well as a secondary like donating to a worthy cause, invite industry people. First move is, do it all in California. That's where the real game is and power players. Create connections, go to events and hand out your cards, be personable and network to find investors. But let me back track, slow down a sec and make your calling card, make a short based on your film and a trailer, make them highly stylized and put them out there and capture lots of hype. Make lots of noise about it on twitter, get in local news in L.A. and promote. Do all this and it will be a good start. Your key is get out there and meeting people in the industry after you have something to show. You want big, you gotta be big my man.
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If you're serious about this idea, and finding someone to back it for $30M, you'll need to get some directing feature credits first. It's going to be a tough sell getting yourself attached as a first time director of a $30M feature in the current film climate. I'd say start smaller with some $1M features and build up to it, while working the script into a masterpiece. If you play it right, you'll have a better chance. Unless the script is currently true gold. Then find an agent and start shopping it around ASAP. If you get enough bites on it you might be able to wrangle yourself in as director in the deal, but you'd need serious bites on it.
I am still very curious as to where the figure $30M came from.
Stephen, You are correct in your assumption. It is a wild guess. I have not broken down the script. In fact it's really a ball park figure I had. I assume it could be done for much less. I love the responses from everyone. And I do take this very serious, posting on here is just a feeler. As I type this, people are reading my Screenplay. Which is the first draft of the final version. I base it on if people love this version than after I get the feedback they will love it more. I'll get an agent when someone from one of the big five give me a call. Some stories spread like Wildfire, and mine is just one of those... Hopefully.
Steven. I'm assuming this is not your first. When you say "people are reading it" are you meaning coverage?
I have people reading it, who will be giving me feedback on it, yes. As far as anyone doing a full report on it, I don't expect them to. Some of the people reading it, I'm having read it purely for reaction to see the effect it has on people.
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...then to answer your original question "...advice on how to raise upwards of 30Million dollars..." My best advice for you would be to start with figuring out how much you actually need. THEN, you'll have a better target and know what you are aiming for. Imagine the look on an investors face when you say, "Hey, can I have $30M?" and after they ask you for the production plan and why you feel you need $30M... you were to say, "Oh, I made the number up." Bye-bye investor. Regardless, best of luck on your project.
I understand, which is why I'm not running out to Producer's right now.
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To the contrary, I feel that's exactly what you need to do. Find a producer who can get behind your project, who has contacts and knows the steps to take in this pre-pre-prep development phase.
Steven: Send me a message when you get the chance. Dale
I like your choice of cities. Let me know when you'd be in need of production medics for your film. Thanks, Bob
How's it going raising the cash man?
Been a while since I commented on this, this project is being turned into a comic book and yes I have copyright and WGA registration.