I want to thank three creators of Stage 32 for putting up and maintaining this site. I am currently collaborating with Mike Miller, another Stage 32 member on a documentary about homelessness in Los Angeles. This is a subject that touches most of our lives in some way, especially here in LA. The project is just getting under way and Mike and I have both worked with homeless population in the past. He and I would not have met, however, if it hadn't been for the Stage 32 website. Through our connection here we will strive to present the daily struggle of being homeless in Los Angeles from the point of view of the people in that struggle and inspire understanding and perhaps inspire involvement and help from others.
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I am most interested to see this once it's completed. How's the progress going? I think it's great you met Mike Miller on here and you are both making this possible. Provide an update when you can!
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Way to go Matt....I loved ... I am a soldier.....Life is truth.
Thanks - we've run into some tech difficulties as the camera we were working with broke down - the project is on hold for the moment but we hope to resume production, maybe in January
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An important subject. Good luck with the project.
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How's this coming along Matt?
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Matt, please keep us in the loop. When I'm not writing, I run a food bank in our small town. Am off to a forum on homelessness in a few minutes. Here's to a home for everyone who needs one!
I hope very much that Matt and myself are able to somehow complete this project soon.