Anything Goes : Today, I paused to reflect: Remembering 9-11 by Author Savannah Jackson

Author Savannah Jackson

Today, I paused to reflect: Remembering 9-11

Remembering 9-11, twelve years later.
Remembering 9-11, twelve years later.
I decided to take a break from my travels today in honor of those who lost their lives on this date twelve years ago and the heroes who fought to save them. When I think back, I remember exactly wh...
Henry Rivers

On Tuesday Sept. 11th. 2001 My brother woke me up telling me that The Trade Center was Gone ! I had just gotten to sleep less than 40 minutes earlier been out all night, wasn't in the mood for JOKES. In My earlier career I work as a Commodities Trader for five years, in 4 World Trade Center N.Y. Comex building, I know How Massive these Buildings are and What he was telling me, has no reality (There GONE) Trying to keep my composure with out yelling at my brother waiting for the punch line to this joke, so he can just finish this story, but he kept going on. I tried to end the call to get back to sleep. I attempted to ask him "Do you know How Massive these building are ? For you tell me that they are GONE ! while I was half a sleep, he didn't respond he kept telling me about the Pentagon had been HIT on and on he went, it sounded like a Superman Comic Book. I was getting bored by this phone call, then he tells me that President Bush in Air Force One trying to escape THESE FURIOUS ATTACKS and there was no place safe for him to land Air Force One, He wanted me to wakeup and get out of bed fast because the country was being attacked quietly I thought to myself, I'm just going to just hang up, he sense this and HE STARTED SCREAMING AT ME TO WAKE UP, he never Screams at me, If you don't believe me he said turn on your T.V. and Radio. I did and there was No T.V. Signal and the Radio made it clear to what was happening, I remember my investment banker friend from Bear Sterns left to work for Cantor Fitzgerald in a career move was killed in that Attack...( He was On the 100th Floor )

Author Savannah Jackson

Thank you Mr. Rivers, for sharing your powerful story, it gave me chills. I am so sorry to hear of the death of your friend. I, too, lost someone in the Pentagon attack.

Author Savannah Jackson

Thank you Ms Rushent, for sharing your story too. I can only imagine how horrible it must have been living so close to N.Y. at that time. My brother was in Manhattan the day the towers fell. He, along with his co-workers were put on lock down but eventually allowed to leave. Their trip was cut short and they were bused out of N.Y. to Philadelphia where they were able to fly back home after awhile. He said as they passed by the area where the World Trade Center was, it was so strange not to see the Twin Towers.

Author Savannah Jackson

I believe we will always grieve for the lives lost that day but I'm happy you are safe.

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