We are in need of a makeup artist for the webseries I direct called "The Velvet Coffin". This would be a volunteer position that involves doing minimal zombie makeup (think "Night of the Living Dead" zombies), scars, and some film makeup (non special effect). I'm trying to put together a small crew of makeup artists and hair stylists in order to split up the duties and make it easier for everyone so they're not doing all of the work. We have cast/crew meetings every Wednesday @ 7:30PM and typically film on Sundays anywhere around 12:30 til finished. We also do occasionally have to shoot on Wednesday nights in place of the meetings. Please contact me via email about joining the crew ONLY if you're able to be free on those days and don't mind doing this as volunteer work. Wednesdays can be flexible but you'll need to come to some of the meetings to know what's going on within the project, and of course if we're filming that night. Having fun with this project is mandatory! http://www.thevelvetcoffin.tv http://www.facebook.com/TheVelvetCoffin