I have noticed "a lot" of peeps "screaming" that they will not read any works by anyone. So, how does one get read if no one is willing to read? Do we all have to pay ungodly amounts of money to get read when our reality is that we are struggling to even pay a simple bill (such as I that only has dial-up, no smart phone, 8 years jobless and on welfare but yet has nearly 40 ideas)?
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Hi, Lyla, As a fellow screenwriter, I feel your pain. I'm also looking for feedback on my script. Would you like to exchange the first 10 pages and give each other a critique? - Lisa
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Of the nearly 40 ideas you have how many completed screenplays do you have? Are you asking how to get your screenplays read by agents and producers or about peer review?
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Hi Lisa :) Sounds like a GREAT idea! For now it is in novelization form. I will break it down at a later date (when I feel that the project is "sound") to a screenplay. I can be written to at LLHartley@LLHartley.com Thanks and keep sweet! :) Hello D Marcus :) I should have defined what I meant. You are very correct about that. I was inquiring about getting read by agents, etc. Thank you! :) Good evening Jacqueline Drury :) That sounds awesome for peer to peer! Is there a topic/thread/forum for that on here? If so, I'll hunt it down. Thanks! :)
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My question: Are you wanting to get read because you're interested in having your screenplay possibly brought to life or just for your screenplay to be read?
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Good morning Gloria :) I would love to get read and see it come to life. Thank you :)
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Good morning Jacqueline :) Thank you for letting me know that there is no such forum. I will definitely try to reach out and ask each and every person in my network. I am very willing to trade x number of pages for x number of pages. Thank you :)
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If you are looking for peer to peer reads, try a site like Simplyscripts. It's a quid pro quo site, you give reads to get reads. You can browse the forum before you join, to get a feel for the type of feedback supplied and the members who hang out there. I'd be more than happy to give one of your scripts a read.
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Hi Eoin :) Thank you for clueing me in about SimplyScripts! :) I will be SURE to check them out! If you are up to it (trade for trade) I can offer my 8 pages (of novel, to be put to manu later) to your 8 pages. Feel free to write me at LLHartley@LLHartley.com Again... thank you! :)
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Hi Lyla. Novella aren't really something I'd be able to give feedback on, as I don't write in that format. If you think that you'd like to transfer the idea from one of your novels, into a screenplay, I'd be more than happy to take a look at a synopsis of the story and see if it's something that would translate, or perhaps could be the start of a screenplay idea, if that helps.
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Hi Lyla, thank you for answering my question. As a director, though, I have been asked to read screenplays to see if I would be interested in directing their project. Then after I choose their screenplay, I'm told that they're going to sell their script or their script is already tied up in a project that isn't listed on their profile.
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There are several peer review sites - Zoetrope, Triggerstreet, Talentville. Scriptshadow.net also reviews amateur scripts on Fridays and a handful of writers have gotten repped as a result. That's how I connected with the producer I'm currently working with - a friend of his read the review and passed my script along. I highly recommend Scriptshadow for the newbie writer. Done Deal Pro forums is a good place to hang out and forge relationships with other writers, A couple of execs have been known to hang out there. But be forewarned - the forum can get choppy. Honestly, I think you're better off pursuing a manager than an agent. An agent comes into the picture when you have something to sell. I feel your pain about doling out cash for feedback. Unfortunately, paying for coverage may be unavoidable, but only after your script has been read by trusted peers and your script is ready to get to that next level.
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I have had very good results posting excerpts on my blog or here in the Lounge on Stage 32. It costs nothing and you get a clear idea if your material is working...
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I'm always interested in reading screenplays if someone is interested in having them possibly turned into films.
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Good morning everyone :) Eoin - That is my goal (once the novelization is complete) to flip it into a screenplay. I will definitely try my best to summarize it once the novel is complete. Gloria - I can 100% surely say that none of my projects are "tied up" in any way, shape or form. Who wouldn't want to get paid? lol It's a fine line between the need to pay bills (concerning the selling of a script) and the desire to get any project and your name out there (giving away your hard work for free so eventually you can hopefully and steadily pay the bills). Hence "paying your dues". Anyway, if you are interested the offer is still open. I can send you the first chapter (less than 10 pages) so you can get a feel for it. My e-mail is LLHartley@LLHartley.com Monique - Thank you ever so much for your golden and sound advice. I will definitely look into a manager and not an agent as I have not reached that level yet. One bridge at a time. :) I love it that you listed so many sites! Again, thank you! :) Stephen - Great idea! Thank you! I was thinking about posting it on my blog (at my personal site at http://www.LLHartley.com ) in bits and pieces. I've been having some troubles getting the tools to load so I can edit the site as I have dial-up. So, it's "spotty" about when I can get anything uploaded or edited. But, I keep trying! Thanks again! :)
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Lyla, I will email you. I have had screenwriters ask me to look at their projects and then when I pick one, I'm told they are selling the script - I kid you not! Then another one I picked he already has a director interested and when I nicely asked him why he contacted me when he had someone else interested, no response. I have had others want me to read their screenplay just to have it read.
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Hi Gloria! :) I did send it to you. I can honestly say that no one other than myself, my landlord and my therapist has read it. lol That means no directors or producers have seen it at all.
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Lyla, you are too funny. Received your email. :)
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Hey Lyla, it's not rocket science. Get a few screenwriting friend to do a read and give you their honest opinion. Edit the script. Next go for coverage and incorporate their comments. Join a forum like Writer Arena that has an agent on its boards. Once you get to know them, reads will happen though it has to be market ready before the agent will waste their time... PS Most scripts are not !!!!!
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This is all WONDERFUL information! Thank you EVERYONE for your input! I'm pretty sure that I am not the only one that appreciates what each and every one of you have added to this conversation! Thank you! :)
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I think everyone should have a chance because there are so many amazingly talented people out there who aren't being heard or seen and some who are and Ill just sit at home mind boggled like really how in the HELL did this person ever make it!
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Find a meetup type group in your area with other writers. Find the good writers in the group and start exchanging notes with them. The key is: actually listen to the notes. Not everything will be spot on, but the ability to take notes and use them to improve your writing is absolutely key to being a professional screenwriter. Get your ego out of it and just serve the story. When people start to consistently get excited about your writing and come to you for advice, then start submitting query letters to low-to-mid level managers. If the query is well-written, some of them will give you a shot. But if you submit a bad script, they'll never give you another shot, so don't do that until you're ready.
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Haseeb Shigri - To be honest and in my opinion, the issue(s) brought forth that I am writing about are a HUGR cultural difference between you and I. I honestly think/know that what I am writing about will not be a best seller in your homeland. Dan Guardino – Sp, exactly who should I send it to? Yes, it is sad that many scripts are sold that do NOT or are not truthful that could help the majority of humanity. Let’s be honest, Holly-weird relies on sensationalism and what will sell. Greedy bastards. Again and honestly speaking, I am working hard to adapt my novels into screenplays. I certainly hope that at least 1 of my many ideas make it. If you wish to see my ideas they are listed at http://www.LLHartley.com Dustin Thomas Winkler – I agree. There are MANY talented people out there! It amazes me that those same people are not being heard/listened to! Example: Did you know that more women (than men) suffer from post-traumatic-stress-disorder (P.T.S.D.)? It’s NOT a soldier’s disease/disorder. Speaking of “query” letters… I would not know how to do that. I am SOOO hoping that Natasha Kern will be able to help me. Cynthia M. Dagnal-Myron – I agree! When I write, I shoot for something beyond the moon! I’ve been somewhat lucky. Thanks to this site, someone did read the first chapter of my novel (that will later be adapted to a screenplay) and they said that is was VERY good, that it held their attention and that they looked forward to the finished screenplay. Kathryn Gould Writer-Actor – I am looking into local writing groups. It is my plan to silently sit and listen while taking notes and perhaps in due time actually speak up. You have a very valid point that once I am more vocal and others look to me and my writing that I should put out inquiry letters. I also agree, DO NOT do it until I am ready! Side note: Thank you EVERY ONE for your advice! It’s GOLD!:)