COUNTDOWN: Hello friends, the next 4 DAYS are very important in the completion of this film. Many EYES will be on it. I am asking you please to click "like" and/or "share" "watch" and help me with the buzz. The film is in post production and there are 2 trailers posted in the link below. We appreciate your support. Thank you very much. Best, Marcelo Grion
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Also done!!
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COUNTDOWN: Hello friends, the next 2 DAYS and 12 hours are very important in the completion of this film. Many EYES will be on it. I am asking you please to click "like" and/or "share" "watch" and help me with the buzz. The film is in post production and there are 2 trailers posted in the link below. We appreciate your support. Thank you very much. Best, Marcelo Grion
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2 people like this
Good work mate, looks exciting
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Thank you!
1 person likes this
Looks pretty cool. Let me know if you need another VFX / Compositor. :)
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Consider it done!