Introduce Yourself : Heeeeere's....Jonny! by Jonathan Kramer

Jonathan Kramer


Hey all.. "..Please allow me to introduce myself..I'm a man of wealth and taste..I been around for a long long year.." The GOOD NEWS is I'm NOT the Devil! No, no, no. I'm a creative visionary on track to make my mark in this amazing industry by telling and producing stories that matter.. stories that engage, inspire and entertain..and I'm looking for other collaborators who seek to do the same on a BIG scale..Like Jobs I'm looking for the rebels.. the round pegs in the square hole.. the ones who see things differently and don't like rules..Is that you? Hit me up..2014 is going to be a BIG YEAR.. come join the party!

David O'Brien

Hey Jonathan: I write, direct and produce in Sydney, Australia; have just finished a fifteen minute short and putting finishing touches on another. I like your joyous optimism and if you are the devil then I hope Hell's a ball. Heaven sounds dull. I'm into mentoring talent, creating, surviving, telling stories. I taught writing for the screen for fifteen years and there's only one thing definite about making movies. .the sheer pleasure of working in a community of like minds to achieve something worth communicating. I guess my current big interest is making something that gets to the root cause of men and violence. As the father of an eighteen year old I'm bloody appalled at a rising spate of so-called 'king hit' killings.

Richard "RB" Botto

A post worthy of your style, Jonathan.

Jonathan Kramer

David.. very nice background.. someday I plan to get Down Under fact I met Geoffrey Rush when he was here for the Mill Valley Film Festival and got to chat with him..As to films about the root cause of men and violence, cause based films are what we need more of, though my particular direction are those that inspire and move people regardless of age..I see doing all types of productions whether feature film, TV, web and animated series and of course mobile based interactive projects..I also believe there's a need to link all these media together ala Trans-media along with innovative marketing, merchandising and a nice bottle of Chianti..FFFFFFF :)

jamie gazelle

hello good things are happenin

Brian Flinchbaugh

I love your style, Jonathan!

Jonathan Kramer

Thanks Brian..keep those cards and letters coming, LOL

Diana Eiranova-Kyle

Nice intro! Welcome to the site!

John MacNeil

I like to party! Let's get it on..

Jonathan Kramer

Thanks folks.. good to be here.. in fact it's good to be ANYwhere!.., LOL :)

Johnny Fortier

And here's another Johnny! I'm not the devil but I'm messing up his life just a little. Let's do business.

Asialeigh Smith

Loved the intro haha! And we're not rebels we're revolutionaries haha! I love the way you think! Trust me I have a very abstract sense of thought-its reflecting in my scripts-hit me up sometime I would love to join the party!

James ( Jp) P Spear III

Hey, it's JP Spear, I have worked in the industry for 20 years as P.A. and Assistant Director, I now have my own Production Company "NOT OF THIS EARTH PRODUCTIONS" and have all the equipment to boot. Have a script I have worked for the past 15 years and it is ready to be produced, I feel this is my year also after taking 7 years off to be with my Wife and Best Friend to battle cancer, now she is doing better, So now it is time to make my Movie and get sold, looking for investors. Let me know if interested?

Diana Eiranova-Kyle

Glad to hear that your wife is doing well.Happy and prosperous 2014!

David O'Brien

Hey Jonathan: Do we include fava beans with the chianti? Just to clear one little point: I'm into issues but not to preach them. The moment where everything stops so the theme or its core idea can be explained is where I walk out. I'd also like to get to the bottom of inspirational material (ie inspiring change) but I suspect movies do it incrementally like waves on rocks. Haven't met Geoffrey but love his work.

Jonathan Kramer

We're on the same page here David..I'm not into preaching either, but rather GREAT storytelling that caused people to think, laugh, and be submersed in the story too. Geoffrey is lovely and one of the very few in the industry who has won the Triple Crown meaning an Oscar, Emmy and Tony award.. VERY rare. He commutes from Melbourne as you probably know.. We gave him an award at the Festival and he was humble to say the least..

David O'Brien

So we're talking AMERICAN BEAUTY (which I taught in a scriptwriting workshop for years); A FEW GOOD MEN (and almost anything written by Aaron Sorkin) loved the script for HER and the work of Spike Jonze generally plus anything by Alexander Payne and anything by Charlie Kayffman (until Synecdoche which left me dazed and confused). I'm in my late sixties and just starting out in shorts (films that is) after a lfetime in media. Got my DSLR and dojng almost everything myself. But its not enough to tell stories, they need to be heard and seen and the little issues of distribution and exhibition are my next university. Got any thoughts on marketing shorts (other than don't)?

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