Introduce Yourself : Sci-Fi Screenwriter by Adam Pachter

Adam Pachter

Sci-Fi Screenwriter

Hey 32ers, Time to (re)introduce myself. Baby screenwriter, just got my first option with Amazon Studios this past May for sci-fi spec called HIBER in which the rich hibernate during deadly winters while everyone else struggles to survive. You can check it out by following the links at Also just had an interview published in Script Mag in which I talk about breaking into the spec market with Amazon: Am keeping busy writing new sci-fi specs and looking for representation. Would love to talk to other sci-fi writers, directors, producers, or just enthusiasts! Thanks, Adam

Sidney Reed

SO PROUD of you for this! I just signed up over at Amazon and am positively giddy that you landed a deal through them!

Adam Pachter

Great to hear you signed up with Amazon -- just checked out your website and was very impressed by your range of projects!

Simon © Simon

Congrats! Good stuff. The first week on here a 32'r here told me I did not know what I was talking about. Albeit I was writing it. When asked where to submit, I wrote Amazon is buying. With the caveat it is a good story... Good to read your story an real shot in the arm.

Sidney Reed

Thanks, Adam! Would love to chat with you about the process! :D

Mark Schaefer

HI, I'm a writer, director, actor. Let me know if you need anything! best regards, Mark

Adam Pachter

Thanks Mark. Lindsey, I'm always happy to chat!

Michelle Norby

My name is Michelle Norby I am new to stage 32. I am an Actress, Writer and director i write plays that deals with Violence against woman. Rape, Sexual Assualt, Child Abuse and Bulling. Being a Surrvivor myself i want to get the word out violence against women needs to stop. Please like heartfeltvoicesunited on Face Book. I am a part of Heart Felt Voices United and Heart Felt brings awareness to Violence against woman. Rape, Sexual Assualt, Domestic Violence, Child Abuse and Bullying and gives hope through the healing journey. Please like heartfeltvoicesunited let us stand together and end the rape culture in this country.

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