Acting : Acting reels by Elisha Escalante

Elisha Escalante

Acting reels

Hey, I just wanted to let amateur actors or people who can not afford to pay top dollar for acting reels that this SUMMER, I will be open to make acting reel's for people. I mean, if anyone has anything else in mind for me to do some editing work then that is great. :) I have done one so far. I did a normal acting reel at the request of an actor but I also added a twist to the end, my own little stamp on it. A montage. But the actor decided he wanted to separate them when uploading it to Youtube. Here they are if you would like to have a look at my editing Acting Reel wise: & And you can also take a look at some of my other editing here: If anyone has any questions then you can email me at

JerryDean Raymond Smith

let's work together on the next one

Toni Ashcorft

how much do you charge ??

Elisha Escalante

David, I have not received a private message from you. Toni, as I would like to be a much cheaper option for low budget actors I am doing them for only £20. That is for a simple acting reel but if you have enough footage for a montage type ending to your reel (or stand alone if you wanted it not attached to your reel) will be an extra £5. I have done my research and I see people asking for silly amounts of money! One of them was $270 and I think that that is too much for a amateur actor to have to pay.

CJ Walley

Great way to prove your skill Elisha :)

Andrea Thompson

Great opportunity for actors. Very cool of you to do Elisha!

Elisha Escalante

It's the least I can do to help out people trying to make it in this business, just like me :)

Caroline Meyer

Fantastic, I could use some help! I would be more than grateful for help!

Elisha Escalante

Hey guys! Like I said, I cant really work on anything till mid May when I finish my final year of Uni (thank god) but if you want to discus it more with me then you can ether message me here or at Make sure if you email me you put the subject as "ACTING REEL" or something like that just so I know, because I get a lot of junk these days and I tend to miss the important emails. Thank you all so much for the support too! I havnt had the chance to come here and respond to people in a while because of how much work I have to do at the moment but as its my 21st birthday today, I have made time to do what I want to do and I am glad I came here to check up on things because everyone has been so amazing! Really has made my birthday 10x better!

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