Screenwriting : Can someone become a screenwriter? by Victor Titimas

Victor Titimas

Can someone become a screenwriter?

I've read a lot of websites that paint a very negative picture about this. They strongly discourage anyone who would ever thinks about writing and sending screenplays. They say it's an impossible thing to do. And it's a very bad, offensive thing to wish to do. Is the reality so discouraging? Thanks for answering!:)

David Taylor

Websites can be negative. To discourage anyone from trying to write is wrong. It's not impossible - that is clearly wrong. To say its bad and offensive is simply ridiculous. It all depends what your motives are and what you expect to get out of it. Most writers do it because they love it. It's like watching the best movie you have never seen - for THREE MONTHS - (i.e. not just 90 minutes). That does not mean it's easy. You have to write, study, learn and keep writing. If you are a natural storyteller and can 'see' they play/movie, that is half the battle. Then you need learn how to find a home for your work. The truth is - 90++ % of screenplays written are not very good. 2% are great. Of those 10% get picked up (say). Of those, 10% get made (say). So yes, you have to really mean it, be disciplined, and keep at it if you want to seriously get anywhere other than just enjoying the doing of it.

Gretchen Elhassani

Pfft. Selling drugs is offensive. Screenwriting doesn't hurt people. Querying doesn't hurt people, even though some agents/producers get tired of it.

D Marcus

I'm going to state the obvious; Every single movie and TV show made starts with a screenwriter. Each and every one of them at one time was not earning their living writing and now they are. It's not impossible. If they can do it, you can do it.

Kevin Isaacson

A lot of people are going to say you shouldn't be writing. Don't even attempt it. You'll never do it. Just quit. The successful people are the ones that ignore all that ill advice and pursue their dreams with determination.

Dan LaRoy

everyone told me not to pursue acting for the same reason. I let fear get in the way and I went to business school. Was a corporate sell out until one day I woke up and said screw it, i'm gonna do what I love even if i end up under a bridge starving to death. Going through the motions and living the life other people want you to is never a good idea. Follow your passions.

Elaine J Jackson

Victor, Writers Workshop ( ) has advice on how to screenwrite - they also run courses. And for encouragement, read this: - Go for it!

Laurie Ashbourne

You should know you can become whatever you want. It depends how badly you want it. But as with any creative process, you will need some thick skin.

John Geraci

Well, yeah, it's hard. And it shatters your soul sometimes how cruel people can be, but bleep them. If you want to do it, DO IT. You'll never know how great you can be until you try.

William Martell

It is close to impossible, but how is that negative? It's informative. If there are about a million screenplays floating around every year and only around 100 sell, how is that information anything other than just information? A golf course posts the difficulty of the hole, right? Well, it's not easy to be a professional screenwriter. That's not negative, just a fact. If you have to do it, you do it.

Scott Brandon Hoffman

ALSO, we are in a day and age, where you can CHOOSE YOURSELF, the days of the gatekeepers and one person making decisions about whether you're good enough are over. If you're passionate, and you learn your craft, and have GREAT stories and characters etc, then you CAN do it and get things made on your own. We're in the digital revolution with countless success stories, just look at YouTube. If you have talent ANYTHING is possible, and you can create a great living and body of work for yourself. I think people get lost in the old way of doing things, those days are very old school. Netflix has show the networks and studios how it's done! Keep on keeping on with what you love, if it's IN you and CALLING you, it's your Soul and the Universe urging you to create...

Simon © Simon

Someone can, but not just anyone....

JC Young

It's not impossible. It's just that most other creative people and especially the business people in Hollywood seem to hate writers. They hate paying them. They hate talking to them. They hate having to read their work. They all think they are better than the writer to be creative. Sorry... 10 years of bitter there. But, actually learning the formatting is pretty easy. Hell, there are software packages (overpriced) or word processor templates that help short cut your work. The real trouble is that there are hundreds and thousands of people out there who want your money to help you be a better writer. Hundreds of books, dozens of seminars, loads of professional proofreaders, over a dozen script posting websites, countless contests you can enter. The wannabe writer may be disrespected by the business but you are a great money source for all of those businesses. I'll try to be encouraging. There are a lot of outlets now, just few big budget productions. There are hundreds of cable stations, web streaming, video streaming, etc. that needs content. Also, even if you would be competing with working writers for gigs, a studio reader looks at all scripts the same. Yes, the big budget movies are not made from spec scripts (in other words, the producers hire name writers from agents or ones they've used before not unknowns), but any low budget script could come from anywhere and it's not totally impossible for an unknown to sell a script big but it's a rare fireside tale. You can go the library, check out screenwriting books on formatting and basic dos and don'ts. Go to writers groups or post your script here for others to proofread or critique. Then, go on the web and find production companies, agents and managers that accept queries from new writers. Go to film fests. Go to writers groups, etc. Get your name and your work out there. And none of that has to cost you a dime.

Orianna Morales

As I mentioned elsewhere, it's not easy but like anything worthwhile will take work. There are ways to work smarter as well. Networking is crucial and understanding the business side is of utmost importance so you can navigate. Evidently your goal is to be a screenwriter but if you know upfront that you are going to wear many hats, including a sales hat, you'll be further ahead of the curve.

Ivo Raza

It's kind of like becoming a marathon runner. is it impossible? No. is it hard? hell yes. Lots of training of varying kinds. But anything worth pursuing takes hard work and many hours. If it were easy everyone would be successful at it.

Michael Savage Aka Sirtony Member Of Marquis Who's Who In America

When I read questions this...I step off the PLANET and float in space ...and share the reality of your PLANET...because telling the truth as a member of STAGE 32 isn't need to be a ALIEN...who is simply sharing what he or she has here it's the GREATEST AWARD WINNING FILMS ever made...and study the EDITS and the dialogue and the length...simply get a SOFTWARE that is for Screenwriting ...and there are a few really good ones...and then here is the secret...SPEW...meaning write as fast as you can the story you want to create...based on your KNOWLEDGE of how THE GREATEST AWARD WINNING FILMS inspired you...YES be original...but remember the style and all the details of what you loved about the films you saw...and JUST DO not get Critical as you write...SPEW is the secret that all great writers do...then they Polish...and that is just the beginning...because you will need to WAKE UP to what is happening on your see now is the time to become a Digital Filmmaker....not just a fact CHARLIE CHAPLIN...realized finally he could make a BLACK AND WHITE film...and nothing stopped him...he did it all... but there is no Guarantee that any profession will be a successful adventure...but I can promise you...when you are 90 years old...if you did not GIVE IT YOUR BEST will drive you crazy ...what if...should have ..could have...not a reality you want to experience...if you least you will know you gave it your best shot...and no regrets... SO....there you go... and yes...I have filmed over 5,000 short scripts hours after I wrote them...go to my websites and see what it means to write and shoot...and create a film ...not just a Go ahead be happy and do it...and forget about the negative...but bottom line is...when you do it will very quickly know whether it is a HOBBY...or a Profession...and then you can continue or move Go write a script and make a film... Blessings always

Scott Brandon Hoffman

That's bad ass and spot on Michael! Love it my Alien Brother!

Michael Savage Aka Sirtony Member Of Marquis Who's Who In America

Blessings Scott...few have the courage to understand a helpful comment...they need to ARGUE...DISAGREE...and go to WAR...and of course they have the KNOW IT ALL you can not help thank you for being my ALIEN brother who speaks my Language of TRUTH...AMEN Yes ...I will accept your Special ALIEN REQUEST FOR NETWORK BROTHERHOOD......Blessings again...!!!

Anthony Cawood

Only you can decide if it's impossible... for you that is! Give it a try, we'll all support you.

Mark Souza

I would also like to talk you out of writing screenplays, but if you're a writer, I won't be able to. Yes the odds are long, but you learn by "doing," not by "not doing."

Elaine J Jackson

Great words of encouragement, Stephanie! I've been told that if you want something badly enough, and stick at it, then you will get there... which I find very encouraging too.

Victoria Wiltshire

Unique material is king...and every so often, a screenwriter on the outside gives birth to a brilliant why not?

Orianna Morales

Everything has good and bad. If you want it bad enough, you can make it happen. However, I will say that you wear different hats. I wore 3 or so just today including my networking hat.

Dave McCrea

Did you live for movies as a kid? We all watched movies, but a small minority would watch 4 or 5 movies back to back and have seen certain films countless times. If you are not in that camp, I would say don't pursue it, it's not your calling.

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