I've been getting a lot of connection requests since joining. Very outgoing community, but there seems to be a trend here. 1) I don't work for free. Sorry, but I have to pay the mortgage, keep my son in college, keep food on the table, etc. So I don't do work on spec for other people. Especially someone I just "met." I won't do your budget for free. I won't break down your script for free. I won't read your script and give notes... you see the pattern, right? I know this is a community and I'll give all the advice you want, answer your questions, etc, but... Which leads to #2 2) I won't give you my financing leads. Don't just come out and ask. That's insane. I don't know you why would I recommend you to someone that I consider an amazing and generous source? Its not that I don't recommend other projects to my investors, I do, but I sure as hell aren't going to risk a relationship over someone I just met and a two sentence pitch. Networking isn't just about asking what's in it for you. Networking is about doing for others and them offering. Heck, at least take me to dinner first before trying to get to second base. As to the reading... I just don't have the time. I've been given three scripts this week by friends, three more for paying projects, and in development on other projects.
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That said, get to know me and let me get to know you and who knows.
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Once I stop laughing about your comment on your posting, I'll... sorry, I started laughing again.
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Hey, business is like dating... but no one is sliding into home except my wife.
Aha! So that's the common element between LinkedIn and AshleyMadison. Lends a whole new meaning to the "Share" button.
I guess its all about the hookup, eh?
You got that right sailor. I see you speak Canadian, or is that only until the end of March?
Canadian, Spanish, English. I'm trilingual... I'll try anything.
Ahh... trylingual.
Not to be confused with trilingus.
Trilingus? Not to be confused with Oculingus; AerLingus OR Miley Ray-Sirus.
Brilliantly said.. Bravo!!