Jerry Springer vs Critics The criticism about Jerry’s show by the critics suggests it has played a role in dumping down the television culture over the years are hit back by Jerry’s outrageousness factor, and the sharp words. “This idea that we are better than the people we see on television. We should get over it. We may dress better and have got luckier in the gene pool of parents, but life is primarily luck,” he told the audience in a conference. “The Jerry Springer show is now in its 23 rd season. I would like to formally apologise!. I’m sorry, I’ve ruined the culture! But this concept that television has influenced human behavior and the destruction of society is garbage. We had a holocaust before anyone had a television set.” “People are always talking about what is going on in their neighborhood. The only thing that has changed is that with modern technology, our neighborhood has now become global. People are always fascinated by human behavior, and what we are doing here is just recognizing that, and giving back a story that is outrageous in terms of how most of us behave.” He happily admitted that he doesn’t watch his own show when he goes home. “What I watch are sports and political news, because I’m a political junkie. I don’t watch my own show: I’ve got some taste! I don’t even tell my family I’m Jerry Springer. They think I’m an insurance salesman! It’s horrible,” he joked. “For thousands of years it was people sitting in an audience watching something happen on a stage, on a screen, on a ball-field. It was the audience and then the performers, whether it be sports, theatre, music. What technology has done is increase the move towards the democratization.” After all what he said, I still disagree with most of his points.