Are you aware of A113? Do you know the meaning of the number A113 hidden in every Disney & Pixar Animated Film? Here's the truth behind the hidden message.
Are you aware of A113? Do you know the meaning of the number A113 hidden in every Disney & Pixar Animated Film? Here's the truth behind the hidden message.
Awesome! I had no idea.
You come across this sort of thing in other places, and it's creepy. But this is really nice. Good on you guys!
One of the very few 'hidden message' rumors about Disney animation that's true -- and allowed to go through.
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I also learned in that famous room at CalArts!
Hey Greg! Nice to see you on here.
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Hey Alle. Since you blasted me last week; I've been a lot more attentive to understanding what people want, and don't want. Are you still mad at me? I pray that you have a change of heart, and give me another chance.
isn't A113 the Animation department room number at Cal Arts, where many if not most of these guys went to school?
Yes. CalArts grads (particularly those at Pixar) have been putting A113 in animated films for decades.
Of course I am aware of A113! I already discovered that it has been an Easter egg in every Pixar movies. It even wound up in Disney films, especially “Lilo and Stitch”, “the Princess and the Frog” and “Ralph Breaks the Internet”.