Greetings, Craig. Pls look up my profile here and my website ; I am also trying to figure out how I can build synergy with friends here ...
Hey Craig and Hans. First off, welcome. Second, here are a couple of ways to help with learning all the features and resources Stage 32 has to offer: 1 - Check out our HELP section, in particular the GETTING STARTED area. 2 - I hosted a free webinar recently which included a down and dirty 20 minute tutorial on navigating through Stage 32. You can view it here: Hope this helps a little! Once again, welcome aboard.
And because you are passionate about it, Richard, you create excellence - naturally. Stage 32 has some amazing people ; thanks a lot for putting this forum together and for its terrific upkeep !
This site is a labor of love for me, Hans. I'm overwhelmingly passionate about helping others realize their dreams. I've seen too many quit the game simply because they don't have the connections and support necessary to keep driving forward. If this site puts some air under even one member's wings, we're doing out job.
That's awesome work, Richard. Life's greatest tragedy is the yawning gap between what we achieve and what we could achieve ; this gap exists in life because it exists in our mind's vision and belief. In my own humble way, I have been blessed to serve tens of thousands of souls in corporates and institutes through a motivational blend of the best of science and management thinking, with the universal spiritual values, cleansed of all divisive dogma, and actionable yoga-meditation techniques. As Rilke said, 'God made man strong enough to have stood but free to fall'. And yet, I guess, what is truly unfortunate is not falling - as that is part of the game - but not learning from it and not trying to raise oneself again ! May your good efforts be always blessed.... Brotherly love and regards for you, your good friend Derrick and for each member of the ever-expanding Stage 32 family ! - Hans,
Life's greatest tragedy is the yawning gap between what we achieve and what we could achieve And bad Italian food. I admire your energy and your willingness to pass your knowledge (and your spirit) on to others, Hans. You're making the world a better place.
Blessed are we when chosen by the Spirit as Its instruments to serve Its presence in fellow beings. As we expand our consciousness / belonging in reaching out to others, without seeking our own soul-cup of joy stays brimful. That joy is our eternal quest ; we all seek it all the time but we usually look for it at wrong places, mistaking fleeting pleasures as the sought-after joy. Stay blessed,RB. Love and rgds _/\_
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Greetings, Craig. Pls look up my profile here and my website ; I am also trying to figure out how I can build synergy with friends here ...
1 person likes this
Hey Craig and Hans. First off, welcome. Second, here are a couple of ways to help with learning all the features and resources Stage 32 has to offer: 1 - Check out our HELP section, in particular the GETTING STARTED area. 2 - I hosted a free webinar recently which included a down and dirty 20 minute tutorial on navigating through Stage 32. You can view it here: Hope this helps a little! Once again, welcome aboard.
Thank you, Richard. Much appreciated. Rgds ...
2 people like this
You gotta love how hands on Richard Botto is. Oh and hello Craig nice to see you here. ANd hans.
I do what I can ;)
1 person likes this
And because you are passionate about it, Richard, you create excellence - naturally. Stage 32 has some amazing people ; thanks a lot for putting this forum together and for its terrific upkeep !
This site is a labor of love for me, Hans. I'm overwhelmingly passionate about helping others realize their dreams. I've seen too many quit the game simply because they don't have the connections and support necessary to keep driving forward. If this site puts some air under even one member's wings, we're doing out job.
That's awesome work, Richard. Life's greatest tragedy is the yawning gap between what we achieve and what we could achieve ; this gap exists in life because it exists in our mind's vision and belief. In my own humble way, I have been blessed to serve tens of thousands of souls in corporates and institutes through a motivational blend of the best of science and management thinking, with the universal spiritual values, cleansed of all divisive dogma, and actionable yoga-meditation techniques. As Rilke said, 'God made man strong enough to have stood but free to fall'. And yet, I guess, what is truly unfortunate is not falling - as that is part of the game - but not learning from it and not trying to raise oneself again ! May your good efforts be always blessed.... Brotherly love and regards for you, your good friend Derrick and for each member of the ever-expanding Stage 32 family ! - Hans,
Life's greatest tragedy is the yawning gap between what we achieve and what we could achieve And bad Italian food. I admire your energy and your willingness to pass your knowledge (and your spirit) on to others, Hans. You're making the world a better place.
Blessed are we when chosen by the Spirit as Its instruments to serve Its presence in fellow beings. As we expand our consciousness / belonging in reaching out to others, without seeking our own soul-cup of joy stays brimful. That joy is our eternal quest ; we all seek it all the time but we usually look for it at wrong places, mistaking fleeting pleasures as the sought-after joy. Stay blessed,RB. Love and rgds _/\_