A good advice in the making of a low, micro or no budget movie is: DON´T include any scenes that will not be convincible to the audience. Especially when using CGI or traditional special effects. Sometimes we want to impress the audience so bad that we include unnecessary extras that add nothing to the development of the story and ruin their own purpose. Viewers are so used to seeing big budget special effects that a scene not properly made can be laughable to them. Today´s audience, including children, can tell the difference between good and not so good effects with amazing ease. This advice also applies to action scenes, fighting scenes, persecutions, even dramatic scenes. If the acting required by the script seems too difficult on the performer chosen, maybe the dialogue could use some minor modifications to make her or him feel more comfortable and able to convincingly perform the role. All these should be taken into consideration during scriptwriting or choosing a script appropriate for the budget. Fight the temptation to include scenes or sequences that even you have doubts will be credible. Look for more viable alternatives that will have the same effect on the audience´s interest. Do not include anything in your movie that you have doubts will look real.